Language name and location: Dolakha Newari, Kathmandu, Nepal [Ref to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区多拉卡-尼瓦尔语, 尼泊尔加德满都山谷东部多拉卡地区


1. tʰi

21.  nimtʰi

2. nis

22.  nimnis

3. sõ

23.  nimsõ

4. pe ~ pi

24.  nimpe

5. ŋaa

25.  nimŋaa

6. kʰu

26.  nimkʰu

7. nas

27.  nimnas

8. cyaa

28.  nimcyaa

9. ɡu

29.  nimɡu

10. ji

30.  swi

11. jimtʰi

40.  pi

12. jimnis

50.  ŋai

13. jimsõ

60.  kʰwi

14. jimpe

70.  nai

15. jimŋaa

80.  cyai

16. jimkʰu

90.  ɡwi

17. jimnas

100. sar

18. jimcyaa

200. nisar

19. jim

1000. dol

20. ni

2000. nisdol


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Carol Genetti, University of Oregon, USA, January 22, 1999.

提供资的语言家: Prof. Carol Genetti, 1999 年 1 月 22 日.


Other comments: Dolakha Newari has a decimal system. Dolakha Newari is very different from Kathmandu Newari, and should be regarded as a separate language.

Dolakha Newar or Eastern Newar, is a divergent dialect of the Newar language (Nepal Bhasa) spoken in Dolakha District, east of the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, by 5,645 Newar people as of 1988. Some speakers of Dolakha Newar can be found in Kathmandu for education or work.


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