Language name and locationː Natüɡu, Solomon Islands [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区纳图固语, 所罗门群岛东部之圣克鲁斯岛西部及北部 


1. esə, tesə (when counting)

21.  nəpnũ li nɵade esə

2. li

22.  nəpnũ li nɵade li

3. tʉ

23.  nəpnũ li nɵade tü

4. pwæ

24.  nəpnũ li nɵade pwæ

5. nəlvʉn

25.  nəpnũ li nɵade nəlvʉn

6. esəmə      ( 1+ 5 )

26.  nəpnũ li nɵade esəmə

7. ɵlimə       ( 2+ 5 )

27.  nəpnũ li nɵade ɵlimə

8. ɵtʉmə      ( 3+ 5 )

28.  nəpnũ li nɵade ɵtʉ

9. ɵpwæmə  ( 4+ 5 )

29.  nəpnũ li nɵade ɵpwæmə

10. nəpnũ ~ nəpnũ esə

30.  nəpnũ tʉ

11. nəpnũ(esə) nɵade esə

40.  nəpnũ pwæ

12. nəpnũ(esə) nɵade li

50.  nəpnũ nəlvʉn

13. nəpnũ(esə) nɵade tʉ

60.  nəpnũ esəmə

14. nəpnũ(esə) nɵade pwæ

70.  nəpnũ ɵlimə

15. nəpnũ(esə) nɵade nəlvʉn

80.  nəpnũ ɵtʉ

16. nəpnũ(esə) nɵade esəmə

90.  nəpnũ ɵpwæmə

17. nəpnũ(esə) nɵade ɵlimə

100. tɵtʉki ~ tɵtʉki esə

18. nəpnũ(esə) nɵade ɵtʉ

200. tɵtʉki li

19. nəpnũ(esə) nɵade ɵpwæmə

1000. siu ~ siu esə

20. nəpnũ li

2000. siu li


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Brenda H. Boerger, Solomon Islands Translation Advisory Group / SIL International. September 30, 1994. April 19, 2011.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Brenda H. Boerger, 1994 年 9 月 30 日, 2011 年 4 月 19 日.


Other comments: Natüɡu has a decimal sysyem. Natüɡu numerals follow a base ten system composed of two sets of five by the numbers one through ten. Here we see that the numbers six through nine are formed by compounds using the numbers one through four, while the number ten received a non-derived, non-compounded form. To divide the tens from the single digit numbers, the word nɵade, 'its fruit' is added to join the two halves of the numbers. Due to influence of Solomon Islands Pijin it has become common to use English / Pijin numerals, especially among young people, but the oldest members of the community.
Note that the following conversions between orthographic symbols and IPA transcriptionsː  ä = IPA [æ], ë = IPA [ə], ö = IPA [ɵ], ü = IPA [ʉ] .
* Orthographic symbols are in parentheses in the charts. **orthographic nasalization is indicated by a straight ' following the vowel. Natüɡu is spoken by about 4,000 speakers in west Santa Cruz island, Temotu province, Solomon Islands.


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