Language name and location: Poumai Naga, Manipur state, India [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区普梅那加 (颇拉语 Poula), 印度东北部曼尼普尔邦 


1. [li]

21. [kaili]

2. [ŋ̊ai]

22. [kaiŋ̊ai]

3. [sə]    

23. [kaisə]    

4. [dai]

24. [kaidai]

5. [ŋəu]

25. [kaiŋəu]

6. [t͡ɕýɹəu]

26. [kait͡ɕýɹəu]

7. [nɛi]    

27. [kainɛi]    

8. [t͡ɕa]

28. [kait͡ɕa]

9. [kə]

29. [kaikə]

10. [kiɹəu]

30.  [ɕíɹəù]

11. [kili]

40.  [ɹaidai]

12. [kiŋ̊ai]

50.  [ɹaiŋəu]

13. [kisə]

60.  [ɹait͡ɕýrəu]

14. [kidai]

70.  [ɹainɛi]

15. [kiŋəu]

80.  [ɹait͡ɕa]

16. [kit͡ɕýɹəu]

90.  [ɹaikə]

17. [kinɛi]

100. [kái]

18. [kit͡ɕa]

200. [káiŋ̊ai]

19. [kikə]

1000. [tʰéli]

20. [kai]

2000. [tʰéŋ̊ai]


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Sahiinii Lemaina Veikho, Department of Linguistics, North Eastern Hill University, Shilong, India, native speaker of the Poula language. May 22, 2013, University of Bern, Switzerland, July 13, 2018.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Sahiinii Lemaina Veikho, 2013 年 5 月 22 日, 2018 年 7 月 13 日.


Other comments: Poumai Naga (also called as Poula) has a decimal system. The data given by Losii Heshu is not Poula (Poumai Naga), but the language is more like Mao Naga mixed with some Poumai speakers living close to Mao Naga speakers. In the past Poumai and Mao are known as one tribe. In the above data I can see affixes used before the root word, Native Poula speakers will not used affixes while counting the numerals. They used affixes when it come to sentences.

Poula has four tones: High ( ́), Rising ( ̌), Mid () and Low ( ̀). Data that are not marked with tone-diacritic indicate Mid tone. 

Language name and location: Poumai Naga, Manipur state, India [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区普梅那加 (颇拉语Paola), 印度东北部曼尼普尔邦  


1. a¹li³

21.  m³kəi³li³

2. a¹həi³

22.  m³kəi³həi³

3. a³tsɨ³    

23.  m³kəi³tsɨ³

4. m³dəi³

24.  m³kəi³m³dəi³

5. m³ŋau³

25.  m³kəi³m³ŋau³

6. a¹rɔu⁴

26.  m³kəi³rɔu⁴

7. a¹nɛ²    

27.  m³kəi³nɛ²

8. a¹ca⁴

28.  m³kəi³ca⁴

9. a¹kʷə²

29.  m³kəi³kʷə²

10. ci³

30.  tsɨ¹

11. cia³li³

40.  rəi²m³dəi³

12. cia³həi³

50.  rəi²m³ŋau³

13. cia³tsɨ³ 

60.  rəi²rɔu⁴

14. cia³m³dəi³ 

70.  rəi²nɛ²

15. cia³m³ŋau³

80.  rəi²ca⁴

16. cia³rɔu⁴ 

90.  rəi²kʷə²

17. cia³nɛ² 

100. trəi¹(li³)

18. cia³ca⁴ 

200. trəi¹həi³

19. cia³kʷə² 

1000. tʰɛ¹(li³)

20. m³kəi³

2000. tʰɛ¹ə¹həi³


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Losii Heshu, Research Scholar, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Manasagangori, Mysore, India. August 3, 2009.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Losii Heshu, 2009 年 8 月 3 日.


Other comments: Poumai Naga has a decimal system similar to Mao Naga. Tone Marks representationː 1=High /High high; 2=High low / High, 3=Mid / level and 4= Low.

Poumai Naga or Paola is spoken by approximately 140,000 speakers in Manipur state, India. Poumai Naga is similar to Mao Naga but different from Puimei Naga (Breton 1997:217). Paomata dialect of Mao Naga and Poumei Naga may be the same (Breton 1997).


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