Language name and location: Phom Naga, Nagaland, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. hɨk |
21. hapɨhɨk |
2. ɲì |
22. hapɨɲì |
3. cʌm |
22. hapɨcʌm |
4. əlì |
24. hapɨəlì |
5. ŋà |
25. hapɨŋà |
6. wɔk |
26. hapɨwɔk |
7. ɲʌt |
27. hapɨɲʌt |
8. ʃʌt |
28. hapɨʃʌt |
9. ʃɯ̀ |
29. hapɨʃɯ̀ |
10. ʌn |
30. hapɨʌn (20+10) |
11. ʌnpɨhɨk |
40. piɲɯ̀ (20 x 2) |
12. ʌnpɨɲì |
50. piɲɯ̀pɨʌn |
13. ʌnpɨcʌm |
60. picʌm (20 x 3) |
14. ʌnpɨəlì |
70. picʌmpɨʌn |
15. ʌnpɨŋà |
80. piəlì (20 x 4) |
16. ʌnpɨwɔk |
90. piəlìpɨʌn |
17. ʌnpɨɲʌk |
100. kʰɔhɨk |
18. ʌnpɨʃʌt |
200. kʰɔɲɨ |
19. ʌnpɨʃɯ̀ |
1000. haca hɨk (haca is an Indic loanword) |
20. kokʰa |
2000. hacaɲì |
Linguist providing data and dateː
Mr. Atiqua Bano through Dr. Losii Heshu.
NELD project, Central Institute of Indian
Languages, Manasagangori, Mysore, India,
August 21, 提供资料的语言学家: Mr. Atiqua Bano, 2009 年 8 月 21 日. |
Other comments: Phom Naga has a vigesimal system. There is a loanword ''haca'' from Indo-Aryan ''haja'' for 1000. Phom Naga is spoken by approximately 50,000 speakers in Tuensang district, Longleng sub-district, Nagaland state, northeast India. |
Language name and location: Phom Naga, Nagaland, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. hük |
21. hapühük |
2. nyi |
22. hapünyi |
3. jem |
22. hapüjem |
4. ali |
24. hapüali |
5. nga |
25. hapünga |
6. rok |
26. hapürok |
7. nyet |
27. hapünyet |
8. shet |
28. hapüshet |
9. shü |
29. hapüshü |
10. an |
30. hapü an (20+10) |
11. anpühük |
40. pinnyi (20 x 2) |
12. anpünyi |
50. pinnyipü an |
13. anpüjem |
60. pejem (20 x 3) |
14. anpüali |
70. pejempü an |
15. anpünga |
80. bü ali (20 x 4) |
16. anpürok |
90. bü alipü an |
17. anpünyet |
100. kho hük |
18. anpüshet |
200. khonyi |
19. anpüshü |
1000. haja hük ( haja is an Indic loanword) |
20. kukha |
2000. haja nyi |
Linguist providing data and dateː
Rev. Benjamin Rai, 提供资料的语言学家: Rev. Benjamin Rai, 1995 年 8 月 11 日. |
Other comments: Phom Naga has a vigesimal system. The above data was written in orthographic spellings, updated data in phonetic form is needed to be check with the reliability. Phonetic transcriptionsː ü = ɨ, ng = ŋ, n= ɲ, sh=ʃ, j = ʒ or dʒ ? |
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