Language name and locationː Na'ahai, Malekula, Vanuatu [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区纳阿海语 (马尔法哈尔 Malfaxal), 瓦努阿图马勒库拉岛南部离岸一个小岛


1. iteʔ

21.  maratin iteʔ noʔoron iteʔ

2. iru

22.  maratin iteʔ noʔoron iru

3. itul

23.  maratin iteʔ noʔoron itul

4. ivas

24.  maratin iteʔ noʔoron ivas

5. ilim

25.  maratin iteʔ noʔoron ilim

6. raʔate  ( 5 + 1 )

26.  maratin iteʔ noʔoron raʔate

7. raʔaru  ( 5 + 2 )

27.  maratin iteʔ noʔoron raʔaru

8. raʔatul ( 5 + 3 )

28.  maratin iteʔ noʔoron raʔatul

9. raʔavas ( 5 + 4 )

29.  maratin iteʔ noʔoron raʔavas 

10. i laŋaβul

30.  maratin iteʔ noʔoron  ilaŋaβul (20+10)

11. i laŋaβul ⁿduman iteʔ

40.  maratin iru (20 x 2)

12. i laŋaβul ⁿduman iru

50.  maratin iru ilaŋaβul (20 x 2+10)

13. i laŋaβul ⁿduman itul 

60.  maratin itul  (20 x 3)

14. i laŋaβul ⁿduman ivas

70.  maratin itul ilaŋaβul (20 x 3+10)

15. i laŋaβul ⁿduman ilim

80.  maratin ivas (20 x 4)

16. i laŋaβul ⁿduman raʔate

90.  maratin ivas ilaŋaβul (20 x 4+10)

17. i laŋaβul ⁿduman raʔaru

100. maratin ilim (20 x 5) 

18. i laŋaβul ⁿduman raʔatul

200. nrenhavui ŋa-sŋavur (20 x 10) 

19. i laŋaβul ⁿduman raʔavas 


20. maratin iteʔ



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Anastasia Riehl, Director of Strathy Language Unit Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada, October 2, 2008.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Anastasia Riehl, 2008 年 10 月 2 日.


Other comments: Na'ahai or Malfaxal is an endangered language spoken by about 600 speakers on a Toman Island off the southern coast of Malekula in Vanuatu. This language has a traditional quinary counting system. The data were elicited in Batbank and represent the Na’ahai Kiki dialect, as spoken in the area near Melip and Toman Island- not the area near Malvakal (Malfaxal). The speakers had difficulty with some of the higher numbers, saying that they usually just use Bislama now for those. /nduman/ was sometimes pronounced as [luman]. Numbers starting with /maratin/- I elicted all of these without a preceding /na/; however, when I asked speakers about this morpheme (based on an older list of the numbers), they said that a preceding /na/ is fine, in fact preferred. However, I have left it out of the list above. In any case /i na maratin/, with a preceding /i/, is NOT acceptable according to them.

Note that is rough draft only! further research data needed.

Language name and locationː Na'ahai, Malekula, Vanuatu [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区纳阿海语 (马尔法哈尔 Malfaxal), 瓦努阿图马勒库拉岛南部离岸一个小岛


1. i-tex

21.  i-na maratin i-tex ⁿduma-n i-tex

2. i-ru

22.  i-na maratin i-tex ⁿduma-n iru

3. i-tyl

23.  i-na maratin i-tex ⁿduma-n itul

4. i-βas

24.  i-na maratin i-tex ⁿduma-n ivas

5. i-lim

25.  i-na maratin i-tex ⁿduma-n ilim

6. i-raxatex ( 5 + 1 )

26.  i-na maratin i-tex ⁿduma-n raʔate

7. ira-ru     ( 5 + 2 )

27.  i-na maratin i-tex ⁿduma-n raʔaru

8. ira-tyl     ( 5 + 3 )

28.  i-na maratin i-tex ⁿduma-n raʔatul

9. ira-βas    ( 5 + 4 )

29.  i-na maratin i-tex ⁿduma-n raʔavas 

10. i-laŋaβœl

30.  na-maratin ite no-oro-n i-laŋaβœl

11. i-laŋaβœl ⁿduma-n i-tex

40.  na-maratin i-ru (20 x 2)

12. i-laŋaβœl ⁿduma-n iru

50.  na-maratin i-ru no-oro-n i-laŋaβœl 

13. i-laŋaβœl ⁿduma-n itul 

60.  na-maratin i-tyl  (20 x 3)

14. i-laŋaβœl ⁿduma-n ivas

70.  na-maratin i-tyl no-oro-n i-laŋaβœl 

15. i-laŋaβœl ⁿduma-n ilim

80.  na-maratin i-βas (20 x 4)

16. i-laŋaβœl ⁿduma-n raʔate

90.  na-maratin i-βas no-oro-n i-laŋaβœl  

17. i-laŋaβœl ⁿduma-n raʔaru

100. na-maratin i-lim (20 x 5) 

18. i-laŋaβœl ⁿduma-n raʔatul

200. na-maratin  i-laŋaβœl (20 x 10)

19. i-laŋaβœl ⁿduma-n raʔavas 


20. i-na maratin i-tex *



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Jean-Michel Charpentier, LACiTO ( Langues et civilisations à tradition orale ) / CNRS, Paris, France through Prof. Nicolas Ossart,

December 1, 2004.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Jean-Michel Charpentier, 2004 年 12 月 1 日.


Other comments: Na'ahai or Malfaxal is an endangered language spoken by about 600 speakers on a Toman Island off the southern coast of Malekula in Vanuatu. This language has a traditional quinary counting system. Note that the phrase "i-na maratin i-tex " means one person'.


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