Language name and locationː Mutu, Morobe, Papua New Guinea [Ref to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区姆图语, 巴布亚新几内亚西莫罗贝省北部Umboi岛和附近小岛


1. ee(z) *

21. tamootee ve eez

2. ru

22. tamootee ve ru

3. tol

23. tamootee ve tol

4. paaŋ

24. tamootee ve paaŋ

5. liim

25. tamootee ve liim

6. liim ve eez   ( 5 + 1 )

26. tamootee ve liim ve eez

7. liim ve ru     ( 5 + 2 )

27. tamootee ve liim ve ru

8. liim ve tol    ( 5 + 3 )

28. tamootee ve liim ve tol

9. liim ve paaŋ ( 5 + 4 )

29. tamootee ve liim ve paaŋ

10. saŋavul (T),  saaŋgul (O, Ma) **

30. tamootee ve saŋavul

11. saŋavul ve eez

40. tamoot ru ('two twenties )

12. saŋavul ve ru

50. tamoot ru saŋavul

13. saŋavul ve tol

60. tamoot tol ('three twenties )

14. saŋavul ve paaŋ

70. tamoot tol saŋavul

15. saŋavul ve liim

80. tamoot paaŋ ('four twenties )

16. saŋavul ve liim ve eez

90. tamoot paaŋ saŋavul 

17. saŋavul ve liim ve ru

100. ndiŋndiŋ

18. saŋavul ve liim ve tol

200. ndiŋndiŋ ru

19. saŋavul ve liim ve paaŋ

1000. ndiŋndiŋ saŋavul 

20. tamootee (litː ''person one'')

1000. ndiŋndiŋ ndiŋndiŋ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Robert D. Bugenhagen through Mr. Ray Stegeman SIL-PNG, January 24, 2022.
提供资的语言家: Dr. Robert D. Bugenhagen, 2022 年 1 月 24 日.


Other comments: Mutu has a quinary /vigesimal counting system, the highest number is ndiŋndiŋ. The word one 'ee(z)' also functions as an indefinite article.

Note (2008): Mutu, is one of three dialects of a single language. Locally, these dialects are termed: Oov, Malai, and Tuam.  It seems that "Mutu" is sometimes used to subsume all 3 dialects, and at  other times it refers to only the Oov dialect.  Mutu = 'island' in the Oov and Malai dialects, while Sisi = 'island' in the Tuam dialect. So as a language name, Mutu is not very good for subsuming all 3. Mutu or Tuam (Mutu-Tuam) is spoken by about 3,500 speakers on Umboi island in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.

Language name and locationː Mutu, Morobe, Papua New Guinea [Ref to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区姆图语, 巴布亚新几内亚西莫罗贝省北部Umboi岛和附近小岛


1. es / eze

21. tamote be es

2. ru

22. tamote be ru

3. tol

23. tamote be tol

4. paŋ

24. tamote be paŋ

5. lim

25. tamote be lim

6. lim be es   ( 5 + 1 )

26. tamote be lim be es

7. lim be ru   ( 5 + 2 )

27. tamote be lim be ru

8. lim be tol  ( 5 + 3 )

28. tamote be lim be tol

9. lim be paŋ ( 5 + 4 )

29. tamote be lim be paŋ

10. saŋul 

30. tamote be saŋul

11. saŋul be es

40. tamotru ( 20 x 2 )

12. saŋul be ru

60. tamotol ( 20 x 3 )

13. saŋul be tol

80. tamotpaŋ ( 20 x 4 )

14. saŋul be paŋ

100. tamot lim  ( 20 x 5 )

15. saŋul be lim

200. tamot saŋul ( 20 x 10 )

16. saŋul be lim be es

400. ndiŋndiŋ

17. saŋul be lim be ru


18. saŋul be lim be tol


19. saŋul be lim be paŋ


20. tamot es  ( litː ''person one'')



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Geoffrey P. Smith, The University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, December 12, 1988.
提供资的语言家: Dr. Geoffrey P. Smith , 1988 年 12 月 12 日.


Other comments: Mutu has a quinary / vigesimal counting system, the highest number is ndiŋndiŋ.  


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