Language name and locationː Mono-Alu, Solomon Islands [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区莫诺-阿鲁语, 所罗门群岛西部省莫诺岛, 阿鲁岛及法乌罗岛


1. 'ɛlɛʔa

21.  'tanauuɡɛ 'ɛlɛʔa

2. 'ɛlua

22.  'tanauuɡɛ 'ɛlua

3. 'ɛpisa

23.  'tanauuɡɛ 'ɛpisa

4. 'ɛhati

24.  'tanauuɡɛ 'ɛhati

5. 'liːma (lit: 'hand')

25.  'tanauuɡɛ 'liːma

6. 'ɔnɔmɔ

26.  'tanauuɡɛ 'ɔnɔmɔ 

7. 'hiːtu

27.  'tanauuɡɛ 'hiːtu

8. 'alu

28.  'tanauuɡɛ 'alu

9. 'ulia

29.  'tanauuɡɛ 'ulia

10. 'lahulu

30.  'pisahulu

11. 'lahulu 'ɛlɛʔa

40.  'hatiahulu

12. 'lahulu 'ɛlua

50.  'limahulu   

13. 'lahulu 'ɛpisa

60.  'ɔnɔmɔaˌhulu  

14. 'lahulu 'ɛhati

70.  'hituahulu

15. 'lahulu 'liːma

80.  'aluahulu 

16. 'lahulu 'ɔnɔmɔ 

90.  'siahulu  *

17. 'lahulu 'hiːtu

100. 'ʔɛa 'laːtu 

18. 'lahulu 'alu

200. 'ɛlua 'laːtu 

19. 'lahulu 'ulia

1000. 'ʔɛa ˌkɔkɔ]lei

20. 'tanauuɡɛ 



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Sabrina C. Meier, Department of Linguistics, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia, September 12, 2017.
提供资的语言家: Dr. Sabrina C. Meier, 2017 年 9 月 12 日.


Other comments: Mono-Alu is spoken by about 3,000 speakers on Mono Island, Alu Island, and Fauro Island in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands, this language has a decimal system. However, now it's highly endangered as all school teaching is conducted in English and the Solomon Islands Pijin/English numeral system is replacing the Mono-Alu vocabulary. Especially the unit terminology for food stuffs is nearly entirely lost today and younger speakers are no longer familiar with it. Note 1: For the number 90 'siahulu, there is some regional variation, though. Speakers on  Mono Island will sometimes say uliahulu, while speakers on Alu Island use siahulu  only and will correct the use of uliahuluNote2:  The word latu ‘hundred’ also means ‘tribe’. The word kokolei ‘thousand’ is also used to refer to chickens. Traditional counting exists for the following foodstuffs:

  •    ripe coconuts are counted in units of fifteen
          – 15 ripe coconuts:
    'ʔɛa 'hɛ:na
          – 30 ripe coconuts:
    'ɛlua 'hɛ:na

  • megapod eggs are counted in units of ten
         – 10 megapod eggs:
    'ʔɛa 'tɔlaʔa
         – 20 megapod eggs: 
    'ɛlua 'tɔlaʔa

  • (hunted) possums are counted in sets as well

Language name and locationː Mono-Alu, Solomon Islands [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区莫诺-阿鲁语, 所罗门群岛西部省莫诺岛, 阿鲁岛及法乌罗岛


1. eleʔa

21.  tanaɰe eleʔa

2. elua

22.  tanaɰe elua

3. episɑ

23.  tanaɰe episa

4. ehati

24.  tanaɰe ehati

5. lima (lit: 'hand')

25.  tanaɰe lima

6. onomo

26.  tanaɰe onomo

7. hitu

27.  tanaɰe hitu

8. alu

28.  tanaɰe alu

9. ulia

29.  tanaɰe ulia

10. lahulu

30.  pisahulu

11. lahulu eleʔa

40.  hatiahulu

12. lahulu elua

50.  limahulu   

13. lahulu episa

60.  onomoahulu  

14. lahulu ehati

70.  hituahulu

15. lahulu lima

80.  aluahulu 

16. lahulu onomo

90.  uliahulu 

17. lahulu hitu

100. ea latuu 

18. lahulu alu

200. elua latuu 

19. lahulu ulia

1000. ea kokolei

20. tanaɰe 

2000. elua kokolei 


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Claudia Wegener, Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany, February 8, 2012.
提供资的语言家: Dr. Claudia Wegener, 2012 年 2 月 8 日.


Other comments: Mono-Alu has a decimal system. Mono-Alu is spoken by about 3,000 speakers on Mono Island, Alu Island, and Fauro Island in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands.


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