Language name and locationː Mocovi, Chaco province, Argentina [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区莫科维语, 阿根廷北部查科省和东北部圣塔菲省


1. oonokiʔ < Spanish

2. doosolkaiʔ 

3. tresolkaiʔ

4. kwatrolkaiʔ 

5. sinkolkaiʔ 

6. saisolkaiʔ

7. sieetolkaiʔ

8. ootʃolkaiʔ

9. nwewolkaiʔ

10. diesolkaiʔ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Cintia Carrió, Department of Linguistics, National University of Litoral (Universidad Nacional de Litoral) / National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Spanish: Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET), Argentina, March 16, 2014.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Cintia Carrió, 2014 年 3 月 16 日


Other comments: Mocovi or Mokovi is spoken by approximately 2,700 speakers out of 15,800 ethnic population in Chaco and Santa Fe provinces, Argentina. Like other Guaycuruan languages, the Mocoví language has not cardinal numeral system but there are some loanwords of Spanish. These loanwords have morphology Mocoví. The different between onoki and onoli in the first example is that -oki is the male diminutive, and -oli is the female diminutive. In the others cases (2-10) the morpheme indicates a diminutive plural. Furthermore this language distinguishes paucal and plural morphemes in the nouns.

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