Language name and location: Darmdo Minyag, Sichuan, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 西部木雅语, 中国四川省甘孜藏族自治州朋布西乡


1. ´tə

21. (´ȵi ɕɯ) ´tsa tɕi

2. ˉnə

22. (´ȵi ɕɯ) ´tsa ȵi

3. ˉso

23. (´ȵi ɕɯ) ˉtsa so

4. ´rə̰

24. (´ȵi ɕɯ) ´tsa ʑə

5. ˉɴɑ

25. (´ȵi ɕɯ) ˉtsa ŋa

6. ˉtɕhu

26. (´ȵi ɕɯ) ˉtsa ʈʂu

7. ´ȵʉ

27. (´ȵi ɕɯ) ˉtsa dɵ̃

8. ˉɕʌ

28. (´ȵi ɕɯ) ˉtsa dʑe

9. ´ŋ

29. (´ȵi ɕɯ) ˉtsa gu

10. ´ɦa kə

30. ˉsə tɕɯ

11. ´ɦa ti

40. ´ʑə tɕɯ

12. ´ɦa nə

50. ˉŋa tɕɯ

13. ´ɦo so

60. ˉʈʂu tɕɯ

14. ´ɦo rə̰

70. ˉdɵ̃ tɕɯ

15. ´ɦaʕ ɴɑ

80. ˉdʑe tɕɯ

16. ´ɦo tɕhu

90. ˉgu tɕɯ

17. ´ɦo ȵʉ

100. ˉdʑa, 200. ´ȵi dʑa

18. ´ɦo ɕʌ

400. ´ʑə dʑa   

19. ´ɦo ŋ

800. ˉdʑe dʑa

20. ´ȵi ɕɯ

1000. ˉtõ  


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Hiroyuki Suzuki, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo, Norway.  March 14, 2022.

供资料的语言学家: 铃木博之博士(日本国立民族学博物馆研究员/ 挪威奥斯陆大学)

2022 年 3 月 14 日.


Other comments: Darmdo Minyag or Western Minyag has a decimal system, Word forms of 20 and more than 20: using Tibetic loanwords

Darmdo Minyag (a.k.a. Western Minyag) is spoken in Lazexi village of Pengbuxi Township, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan, China.




Darmdo Minyag has a word-tone system with four contrastive pitch patterns: HIGH (ˉ), RISING (´), FALLING ( ` ), and RISING-FALLING ( ^ ) [N.B. Subject to change depending on phonological frameworks]. Only the first two syllables of a word can have a distinct pitch pattern; after which low pitch patterns follow. Hence, no more than the first two syllables of a word are considered as the tone-bearing unit (TBU).

Language name and location: Muya, Sichuan, Tibet, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 木雅语, 中国四川省甘孜藏族自治州和西藏藏族自治区


1. tʌ55-(lø33) 

21.  ɲi55ɕə33 tsɛ33 tɕi53

2. 55ndʐe33 or nə55 =(zɛ33) 

22.  ɲi55ɕə33 tsɛ33 ni53

3. sɔ̠55=(lø33)

23.  ɲi55ɕə33 tsɛ33 sɔ̠53

4. ʐʌ55=(lø33)

24.  ɲi55ɕə33 tsɛ33 ʑə53

5. ɴɑ̠55=(lø33)

25.  ɲi55ɕə33 tsɛ33 ɴɑ̠53

6. tɕʰy55=(lø33)

26.  ɲi55ɕə33 tsɛ33 tʂu53

7. ɲy55=(lø33)

27.  ɲi55ɕə33 tsɛ33 53

8. ɕʌ55=(lø33)

28.  ɲi55ɕə33 tsɛ33 dʑe53

9. ŋɡə55=(lø33)

29.  ɲi55ɕə33 tsɛ33 ŋɡu53

10. ɦɛ3355=(lø33)

30.  sø55tsɛ33

11. ɦɛ33ti55=(lø33)

40.  ʑə55tsɛ33

12. ɦɛ5533=(lø33)

50.  ŋɛ55tsɛ33  

13. ʁɔ̠33sɔ̠55=(lø33)

60.  tʂu55tsɛ33

14. ʁɔ̠33ʐʌ̠55=(lø33)

70.  dø55tsɛ33

15. ɦɑ̠55ɴɑ̠33=(lø33)

80.  dʑɛ55tsɛ33

16. ʁɔ̠33tɕʰy55=(lø33)

90.  ŋɡu55tsɛ33

17. ʁɔ̠33ɲy55=(lø33)

100. dʑɛ53 200. ni33dʑɛ53

18. ʁɔ̠33ɕʌ55=(lø33)

400. ʑə33 dʑɛ53, 800. dʑe33dʑɛ53

19. ʁɔ̠55ŋɡə55=(lø33)

1000. tɔ̠55ntʂʰɑ33 55-(lø33)  

20. ɲi55ɕə33

2000.  tɔ̠55ntʂʰɑ33 55ndʐe33


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Gao Yang, EHESS-Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales / CRLAO, French Teacher, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing, China, November 18, 2017.

供资料的语言学家: 高扬博士 (法国高等社会科学研究院 (EHESS)/法国东亚语言研究所(CRLAO)博士生 / 重庆工商大学法语教师), 2017 年 11 月 18 日.


Other comments: Muya or Western Minyag has a decimal system, compound numerals from 21 to 29 and other higher numbers are loanwords from Tibetan language. Western Minyag or Darmdo or Munya is spoken by approximately 11,500 speakers in Ganzi (Garzê) Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Kangding and Shimian counties, Sichuan province, China.

Language name and location: Muya, Sichuan, Tibet, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 木雅语, 中国四川省甘孜藏族自治州和西藏藏族自治区


1. tɐ35

21.  ȵi35ɕɯ53 tsɛ55 tɕi55

2. nɯ35


3. so35


4. ʐɐ̠35


5. ŋɑ35


6. tɕʰyi35


7. ȵyi35


8. ɕyɐ53


9. nɡuɯ35


10. ɦɛ3555

30.  sɯ55ntɕʰuɯ53

11. ɦɛ35ti55

40.  ʑi33tɕyɯ53

12. ɦɛ3535

50.  ŋɛ55tɕyɯ53

13. ʁo35so35

60.  tʂu35tɕuɯ53

14. ʁo3555

70.  dø35tɕyɯ53

15. ɦa35ŋɑ55

80.  dʑɛ35tɕyɯ53

16. ʁo35tɕʰi55

90.  ɡu35tɕyɯ53

17. ʁo35ȵi55

100. dʑɛ53

18. ʁo35ɕɔ55


19. ʁo35nɡɯ35

1000. to55ntʂʰɑ53

20. ȵi35ɕɯ53



Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Sun Hongkai, Centre of Minority Languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, October 3, 1999.

供资料的语言学家: 孙宏开教授 (中国社科院民族研究所), 1999 年 10 月 3 日.


Other comments: Muya has a decimal system. Western Minyag or Darmdo or Munya is spoken in Ganzi (Garzê) Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Kangding and Shimian counties, Sichuan province, China.


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