Language name and locationː Mato, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区马托语 (嫩纳雅语 Nenaya), 巴布亚新几内亚马当省和莫罗贝省


1. tɑininɑu

2. luwɑ

3. tuwɑ  

3. luɑ hiliɑnɑ (2 + 1) * < Geoff Smith

4. luwɑdi luwɑdi (2 + 2)

5. luwɑdi luwɑdi hiliɑdiŋɑ  (2 + 2 + 1)

5. hiliɑnadinɑ * < Geoff Smith 1984*

6. luwɑ luwɑ luwɑ  (2 + 2 + 2)

6. rima-rɑ tainrinɑ kisi hɑitɑino*  < Pete Lincoln 1976

7. luwɑ luwɑ tuwɑ  (2 + 2 + 3)

7. luwɑ luwɑ tuwɑ / kisi luɑ < Pete Lincoln 1976)

8. luwɑdi luwɑdi luwɑdi luwɑdi  (2 + 2 + 2 + 2)

8. kisi tuɑ < Pete Lincoln 1976)

9. rimɑ hɑtɑinɑ luwɑdi luwɑdi (5 + 2 + 2)  

9. kisi luɑlua < Pete Lincoln 1976)

10. rimɑ hɑtɑiŋ hɑtɑinɑ  (5 x 2)

10. nimɑrɑ luɑ  ( 5 x 2) < Pete Lincoln 1976)

11. use Tok Pisn

11. kisi tɑininɑ < Pete Lincoln 1976)

12. rimɑrɑ luɑ kisi luɑ < Pete Lincoln 1976)

20. lipu teninɑ kisi rimɑna kinɑ <Pete Lincoln 1976)


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Scot F. Stober through Mr. Ray Stegeman, SIL International, Papua New Guinea. June 20, 2011.
提供资的语言家: Dr. Scot F. Stober. 2010 年 6 月 20 日.


Other comments: Mato or Nenaya has a system with basic numerals (1, 2, 3). However, people only use the traditional numerals from 1 to 10 now, after ten, they use Tok Pisin. There are two variants given by Pete Lincoln (1976) and Geoff Smith (1984), data from Lincoln (1976) the word for 6 contains a 'hand' morpheme 'rima' and the word word for 20 is 'lipu teninɑ kisi rimɑna- kinɑ' for which we have no exact gloss but which appears to be: 'man one': his hands and feet', 'lipu' being a 'man' morpheme, 'rima-' and 'ki-' being 'hand' and 'foot' morphemes respectively. Mato or Nenaya is spoken by about 580 speakers three separate villages on the Morobe Province of northern Papua New Guinea.


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