Language name and location: Masalit, Sudan, Chad [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区马萨利特语, 苏丹乍得接壤的瓦代地区乍得东南部地区


1. tíyóŋ

21.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-mbàrà-tòò-nòŋ

2. mbárá

22.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-mbàrà-nòŋ

3. káaŋ

23.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-kààŋ-nòŋ

4. áás

24.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-ààs-nòŋ

5. tóór

25.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-t̪òòr-nòŋ

6. ít̪í

26.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-ít̪í-nòŋ

7. màrí

27.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-màrí-nòŋ

8. àd̪á

28.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-àd̪áy-nòŋ

9. àyi

29.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-àyá-nòŋ

10. ùt̪úk  

30.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-kààŋ

11. ùtúk-nǒŋ-t̪oo

40.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-ààs

12. ùtúk-nǒŋ-mbárá

50.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-t̪òòr

13. ùtúk-nǒŋ-kááŋ

60.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-ít̪í

14. ùtúk-nǒŋ-áás

70.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-màrí

15. ùtúk-nǒŋ-tóór

80.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-àd̪áy

16. ùtúk-nǒŋ-ítí

90.   ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-àyá

17. ùtúk-nǒŋ-màrí

100. ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-ùt̪úk

18. ùtúk-nǒŋ-ád̪í

200. ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-ùt̪úk dɛ̀gàní mbàrá

19. ùtúk-nǒŋ-áyí

1000. not used

20. ùtúk-ùtúk-kà-t̪ǎgàní-mbàrà

2000. not used


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Abeer Bashir, Department of Linguistics, University of Khartoum, Sudan, April 4, 2012.

Data was collected from my student ‘Younis’ who is a speaker of the language.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Abeer Bashir, 2012 年 4 月 14 日.


Other comments: Masalit is spoken by approximately 40,000 speakers in South Darfur state and West Darfur state in Sudan as well as Chad. Masalit (spoken in Sudan) has a decimal system. The numbers 1000 and 2000 are not used in the language. For the speakers these are considered as big numbers so they use quantifiers to refer them.

Language name and location: Masalit, Sudan, Chad [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区马萨利特语, 苏丹乍得接壤的瓦代地区乍得东南部地区


1. tîyom (without noun), tîle (with n.)*

21.  ûtuk-ûtukata mbara dole tu, or dole tîle

2. mbara

22.  ûtuk-ûtukata mbara dole mbara

3. kaŋ

23.  ûtuk-ûtukata mbara dole kaŋ

4. as

24.  ûtuk-ûtukata mbara dole as

5. tur

25.  ûtuk-ûtukata mbara dole tur

6. iti

26.  ûtuk-ûtukata mbara dole iti

7. mâri  *

27.  ûtuk-ûtukata mbara dole mâri

8. aya

28.  ûtuk-ûtukata mbara dole aya

9. adey

29.  ûtuk-ûtukata mbara dole adey

10. ûtuk  *

30.  ûtuk-ûtukata kaŋ or ûtuk-ûtuk-ɡani-kaŋ

11. (ûtuk)-tûluŋuny; or ûtuk dole tu *

40.  ûtuk-ûtukata as

12. (ûtuk)-mbar-naŋany

50.  ûtuk-ûtukata tur

13. (ûtuk)-kaŋ-naŋany

60.  ûtuk-ûtukata iti

14. (ûtuk)-as-naŋany

70.  ûtuk-ûtukata mâri

15. (ûtuk)-tur-naŋany

80.  ûtuk-ûtukata aya

16. (ûtuk)-iti-naŋany

90.  ûtuk-ûtukata adey

17. (ûtuk)-mari-naŋany

100. ûtuk-ûtukata ûtuk

18. (ûtuk)-aya-naŋany

200.  ûtuk-ûtukata ûtuk mbara

19. (ûtuk)-adey-naŋany

1000. aduma or buta

20. ûtuk-ûtukata mbara

2000. adumany mbara or butany mbara


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Angela Prinz, SIL-International, Chad, February 13, 2012.

供资料的语言学家: Ms. Angela Prinz, 2012 年 2 月 13 日.


Other comments: Masalit has a decimal system. There are different ways to say the numbers from 11-19 and also the higher numbers. 11. tûtuk dole tu, literally means '10 above other''. This is written in orthography, not phonetically. The symbol <  ̂>on the first vowel of a word indicates +ATR for the whole word.

Language name and location: Masalit, Sudan, Chad [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区马萨利特语, 苏丹乍得接壤的瓦代地区乍得东南部地区


1. tyǒm (without noun), tíiilò ( with n.)

21.    ùtúk-ùtúk-tòom-nùŋ ??

2. mbárá


3. káaŋ


4. ás


5. túr


6. ítí


7. màrí


8. àyá


9. àdɛ́i


10. ùtúk  

30.  ùtúk-ùtúk-ɡanɛ-kaŋ

11. ùtúk-tòom-nùŋ

40.  ùtúk-ùtúk-ɡanɛ-as

12. (ùtúk)-bar-naniŋ


13. (ùtúk)-káaŋ-aniŋ


14. (ùtúk)-ás-naniŋ


15. (ùtúk)-túr-naniŋ


16. (ùtúk)-ítí-naniŋ


17. (ùtúk)-màrí-naniŋ

100.  mia   < Arabic

18. (ùtúk)-áyá-naniŋ


19. (ùtúk)-ádɛ́i-naniŋ


20. ùtúk-ùtúk / ùtúk-naniŋ



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. John Edgar, SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), University of London, U.K., July 13, 1990.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. John Edgar, 1990 年 7 月 13 日.


Other comments: Masalit has a decimal system.


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