Language name and location: Marshallese, Marshall Islands [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区马绍尔, 马绍尔共和国及美国


1. juon [tʃuʷʌn]

21.  ron̄oul juon

2. ruo [ruʷɔʷ]

22.  ron̄oul ruo

3. jilu [tʃiluʷ]

23.  ron̄oul jilu

4. emān [ᵋ̯ɛmæn]

24.  ron̄oul emān

5. l̹alem [lˠalem]

25.  ron̄oul l̹alem

6. jiljino [tʃiltʃinoʷ] (<jil-jil+no?) *

26.  ron̄oul jiljino

7. jiljilmjuon [tʃiltʃillimtʃuʷʌn ] *

27.  ron̄oul jiljilmjuon

8. rualitōk [ruwalitɤk ] (< 2 x 4)

28.  ron̄oul jiljilmjuon

9. ruatimjuon [ruwatimtʃuʷʌn ] *

29.  ron̄oul ruatimjuon

10. jon̄oul [tʃoŋoʷɯlʲ ] (lit: '10 x 1')

30.  jiln̄uul [tʃilŋuʷɯlʲ]

11. jon̄oul juon

40.  en̄oul [ᵋ̯ɛŋʷoɯlʲ]

12. jon̄oul ruo

50.  lemn̄oul [lemŋʷoɯlʲ]

13. jon̄oul jilu

60.  jiljinon̄oul [tʃiltʃinoŋʷoɯlʲ]

14. jon̄oul emān

70.  jiljilimjuonn̄oul [tʃiltʃilimtʃuʷʌnŋʷoɯlʲ]

15. jon̄oul l̹alem

80.  ruwalitōn̄n̄oul [ruwalitɤŋŋʷoɯlʲ]

16. jon̄oul jiljino

90.  ruwatimjuonn̄oul [ruwatimtʃuʷʌnŋʷoɯlʲ]

17. jon̄oul jiljilmjuon

100. jibukwi [tʃibukʷi]

18. jon̄oul jiljilmjuon

200. rubukwi [rubukʷi]

19. jon̄oul ruatimjuon

1000. jerapen [tʃɛrapɛn], taujen [tautʃin]*

20. ron̄oul [roŋoʷɯlʲ]

2000. ruorap [ruʷɔʷrapʲ]


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Byron W. Bender. Department of Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA. March 1, 2006.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Byron W. Bender, 2006 年 3 月 1 日


Other comments: Marshallese has a decimal system with special substructure for 6 to 9. The origin of 'six' [tʃiltʃinoʷ] is unknown, maybe from ''jil-jil+ no/new ?''; Number 7 [tʃiltʃillimtʃuʷʌn ] derived from (3+3+1); 8 is (2 x 4) and 9 is (2 x 4 plus 1). There is an English loanword for 'thousand' taujen [tautʃin]. Marshallese is spoken by about 60,000 speakers in Marshall Islands and the USA.


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