Language name and locationː Mapudungun, Chile, Argentina [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区马普敦根语 (马普切 Mapuche), 智利从北到南阿劳卡尼亚大区, 比奥比奥大区, 洛斯拉戈斯(湖)大区和河流大区  


1. kiñe  /kiɲe/

21.  epu mari kiñe

2. epu /epu/

22.  epu mari epu

3. küla /kɨla/ or / kɯla / *

23.  epu mari küla

4. meli /meli/

24.  epu mari meli

5. kechu /keču/

25.  epu mari kechu

6. kayu /kaju /

26.  epu mari kayu

7. reɡle /ɻeɰle/ or / ɹeˠle/ *

27.  epu mari reɡle

8. pura /puɻa/ or /puɹa / *

28.  epu mari pura

9. ailla /ajʎa/

29.  epu mari ailla

10. mari /maɻi / or / maɹi / *

30.  küla mari  

11. mari /maɻi kiɲe/

40.  meli mari 

12. mari epu

50.  kechu mari

13. mari küla

60.  kayu mari 

14. mari meli

70.  reɡle mari 

15. mari kechu

80.  pura mari

16. mari kayu

90.  ailla mari

17. mari reɡle

100. pataka ( < Quechua )

18. mari pura

200. epu pataka

19. mari ailla

1000. waranka /waɽaŋka or mil / mil / *

20. epu mari / epu maɻi

2000. epu waranka or epu mil


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Ambrose Rabanales, Chile, January 17, 1983. Dr. Fernando Zúñiga, University of Zurich, Switzerland, November 20, 2006.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. Ambrose Rabanales, 1983 年 1 月 17 日, Dr. Fernando Zúñiga, 2006 年 11 月 20 日


Other comments: Mapudungun or Mapuche is spoken by approximately 250,000 out of 600,000 ethnic population in Araucanía, Bíobío, Los Lagos, and Los Ríos regions: Arauco, Bíobío, Valdivia, Osorno, Chile as well as Argentina. Mapuche (/məˈpuːtʃi/, Mapuche & Spanish: [maˈputʃe], or Mapudungun; from mapu 'land' and dungun 'speak, speech',Mapudungun or Mapuche has a decimal system. New data and phonemic chart is provided by Dr. Fernando Zúñiga. The numbers 3, 7, 8 and 10 with an asterisk were provided by Prof. Ambrose Rabanales. The number hundred is a loan from the Quechua language and there are two options for 'thousand' which are loans from Quechua and Spanish respectively.

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