Language name and locationː Neo-Mandaic, Iran, Iraq [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 新曼代克语, 伊朗, 伊拉克


1. 'ɛh.dɔ or hə.'dɔ

21.  ˌeh.dɔʊs.'rin or 'ɛh.dɔ us.'rin

2. tren

22.  tren us.'rin

3. 'klɔː.θɔ

23.  ˌklɔ.θɔʊs.'rin

4. 'ɑɹ.bɔ

24.  ˌɑɹ.bɔʊs.'rin

5. 'hɑm.ʃɔ

25.  ˌhɑm.ʃɔʊs.'rin

6. 'ʃɛt.tʰɔ

26.  ˌʃɛt.tʰɔʊs.'rin

7. 'ʃʊw.wɔ

27.  ˌʃʊw.wɔʊs.'rin

8. tʰə.'mɔː.nɔ or ɛtʰ.'mɔː.nɔ

28.  tʰə.ˌmɔ.nɔʊs.'rin

9. 'ɛtʃ.tʃɔ

29.  ˌɛtʃ.tʃɔʊs.'rin

10. 'æs.rɔ

30.  klɔː'θin

11. hɛd.'æs.sɘ˞

40.  ɑɹ.'bin

12. 'trɛs.sɘ˞

50.  hɑm.'ʃin

13. klɔθ'æs.sɘ˞

60.  ʃɪt.ˈtʰin

14. ɑɹb.'æs.sɘ˞

70.  ʃow.'win

15. hɑm.'æs.sɘ˞

80.  tʰə.mə.'nin

16. ʃɪt.'tʰæs.sɘ˞

90.  ɛtʃ.'tʃin

17. ʃow.'wæs.sɘ˞

100. 'ɛm.mɔ

18. tʰə.mɔn.'æs.sɘ˞

200. tren 'ɛm.mɔ or ɛm.mɑ.'tʰiɛ̌n

19. ɛtʃ.'tʃæs.sɘ˞

1000. 'æl.fɔ

20. ɛs.'rin

2000. tren 'æl.fɔ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Charles G. Häberl, Center for Middle Eastern Studies Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Jersey, USA, November 4, 2010.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Charles G. Häberl, 2010 年 11 月 4 日.


Other comments: Mandaic or Neo-Mandaic has a decimal system. The above data was taken from Khorramshahr, Iran.
     ·    In addition to these numbers, speakers of Neo-Mandaic frequently use Persian
          numbers. Most speakers of Neo-Mandaic are somewhat familiar with Classical
          Mandaic, and as a consequence these numbers (particularly the higher ones)
          may reflect classical influence.

·    All Neo-Mandaic nouns may appear in lexical (terminating in -ɔ) and contextual forms (without final ɔ/, although cardinal numbers generally appear in their lexical form.

·    Neo-Mandaic cardinal numbers do not distinguish between masculine and

     feminine gender, even though this distinction is generally made in the grammar.

·    Numbers one and eight begin with a consonant cluster which is resolved either through the insertion of schwa or a prothetic vowel. These options are available throughout the paradigm.

·    The teens consist of the unit in contrast with the contextual form of the word /ˈæs.sɚ/ “ten.”

·    The word “twenty” consists of the plural form (original dual form) of the word ten.

·    For 21-99, the units are given first and then followed by the tens (“one and twenty” and so forth).

·    For hundreds, the form usually consists of the cardinal number in juncture with the word one hundred; hence 900: /ɛʧ.ˈʧɛm.mɔ/ or simply /ˈʧɛm.mɔ/

     Neo-Mandaic is the modern reflex of the Mandaic language, the liturgical language of the Mandaean religious community of Iraq and Iran. Although severely endangered, it survives today as the first language of a small number of Mandaeans (possibly as few as 100–200 speakers) in Iran and in the Mandaean diaspora.  All Neo-Mandaic speakers are multilingual in the languages of their neighbors, Arabic and Persian, and the influence of these languages upon the grammar of Neo-Mandaic is considerable, particularly in the lexicon and the morphology of the noun. Nevertheless, Neo-Mandaic is more conservative even in these regards than most other Neo-Aramaic languages.


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