Language name and locationː Maka, Alto Paraná, Paraguay [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区马卡语, 巴拉圭东部上巴拉那省, 中部省和附近地区


1. ewiɬ / ewi'ɬ *  

2. wetsxuk / we'tsjuk *

3. wetshetkʼwiɬ / wetshetk'wiɬ *

4. ikwetxuɬ / ikwetju'ɬ * (litː he / she goes among)

5. leeɬix / leelij

6. ewiɬtatsax / ewi'ɬ tatsai (litː one adds)

7. wetsxuk'tatsax / we'tsjuk tatsai (litː two adds)  

8. wetshetk'ewiɬtatsax / wetshetk'ewi'ɬ tatsai (litː three adds)

9. ikwetxuɬtatsax / ikwetjuɬ tatsai  (litː four adds)

10. week inyaqsii / wek inyaqsi * (litː all our finger of hand)

15. ewiɬ infʼiʼ ikets (litː plus my foot)

20. week infuxuts ikets / wek infujuts * (litː all of my toes)

25. weintisinko (< Spanish veinticinco ) *

30. tseinta (< Spanish treinta) *

40. kwalenta (< Spanish cuarenta) *

50. sinkwenta (< Spanish cincuenta) *

100. sien (< Spanish cien) *


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Ana V. Fernández Garay, April 24, 1995

New data by Mr. & Mrs. Matt & Rosemary Ulrich (SIL), January 28, 2009.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Ana V. Fernández Garay, 1994 年 4 月 24 日,

Mr. & Mrs. Matt & Rosemary Ulrich, 2010 年 1 月 28 日.


Other comments: Maka or Macá, Enimaca is spoken by approximately 1,000 speakers in Alto Paraná department: Micro Centro; Central department: Comunidad Maka (Corumba Kue); Cordillera department; possibly Itapúa department, Ita Paso; Presidente Hayes department: Villa Hayes and Kenkukek; San Pedro department; Paraguai river, northeast of Asuncion, Paraguay.

Maka has a traditional counting system up to twenty. They use Spanish numerals with phonological adaptation over twenty. The above data with an

asterisk marks are provided by SIL linguists Mr. & Mrs. Matt & Rosemary Ulrich.

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