Language name and location: Majang, Oromiyaa, Ethiopia [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. òmóŋ ~ òm |
21. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ à òmóŋ |
2. pɛ́ɛ́jǃ * |
22. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ à pɛ́ɛ́jǃ |
3. ɟíítǃ |
23. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ à ɟíítǃ |
4. àŋàn |
24. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ à àŋàn |
5. tùùl |
25. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ à tùùl |
6. tùùl à òm (5+1) |
26. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ à tùùl à òm |
7. tùùl à pɛ́ɛ́jǃ (5+2) |
27. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ à tùùl à pɛ́ɛ́jǃ |
8. tùùl à ɟíítǃ (5+3) |
28. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ à tùùl à ɟíítǃ |
9. tùùl à àŋàn (5+4) |
29. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ à tùùl à àŋàn |
10. áárŋǃ |
30. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ à áárŋǃ (20+10) |
11. áárŋ à òmóŋ |
40. pɔ́lpɔ́lɛ́ǃ ɟóóǃ pɛ́ɛ́jkǃ (20 x 2) |
12. áárŋ à pɛ́ɛ́jǃ |
50. pɔ́lpɔ́lɛ́ǃ ɟóóǃ pɛ́ɛ́jkǃ à áárŋǃ |
13. áárŋ à ɟíítǃ |
60. pɔ́lpɔ́lɛ́ǃ ɟóóǃ ɟíítíkǃ (20 x 3) |
14. áárŋ à àŋàn |
70. pɔ́lpɔ́lɛ́ǃ ɟóóǃ ɟíítíkǃ à áárŋǃ |
15. áárŋ à tùùl |
80. pɔ́lpɔ́lɛ́ǃ ɟóóǃ àŋàŋk (20 x 4) |
16. áárŋ à tùùl à òm |
90. pɔ́lpɔ́lɛ́ǃ ɟóóǃ àŋàŋk à áárŋǃ |
17. áárŋ à tùùl à pɛ́ɛ́jǃ |
100. ɗíbɛ́ǃ* / pɔ́lpɔ́lɛ́ǃ ɟóóǃ tùùl (20 x 5) |
18. áárŋ à tùùl à ɟíítǃ |
200. ɗibɛ́ɛ̀ pɛ́ɛ́jǃ /pɔ́lpɔ́lɛ́ǃ ɟóóǃ áárŋǃ |
19. áárŋ à tùùl à àŋàn |
1000. kúmɛ́ǃ * |
20. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ (litː 'complete person') |
2000. kúmɛ́ǃ pɛ́ɛ́jǃ |
Linguist providing data and dateː Ms.
Sandra Hufnagel and Dr. Andreas Joswig,
提供资料的语言学家: Ms. Sandra Hufnagel and Dr. Andreas Joswig. 2011 年 5 月 9 日. |
Other comments: Majang is spoken by approximately 30,000 speakers in Gambela and Oromia regions; Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ region: a long, narrow belt east of Gambela, and south of Guraferda, Ethiopia. Majang has a courting system based on twenty with a five-based substructure. rùùmɛr íɗítǃ literally means 'complete person', pɔ́lpɔ́lɛ́ǃ means 'fingers'. ɟóóǃ goes back to ɟóópǃ, the plural of íɗítǃ 'person'. The variation for 100 and 200 (all the numbers in between) is dialectal. The numbers 100 'ɗíbɛ́ǃ' and 1000 'kúmɛ́ǃ' are borrowing from one of nearby Cushitic language. Majang Phonemic Chart: Consonantsː
Notesː /c/ is either pronounced as [s] or [ʃ], but sometimes also as [t͡ʃ], all in free variation. /ɟ/ is mostly pronounced as [d͡ʒ], but sometimes also as [ʒ]. Vowelsː
Tonesː Majang has low and high tones, in the data [resented here /ǃ/ indicates a floating low tone which would cause downstep on a following high tone. |
Language name and location: Majang, Oromiyaa, Ethiopia [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. oˈmʊŋ |
21. ˌruumerˈɗiitʰ a oˈmʊŋ |
2. pʰɛɛj |
22. ˌruumerˈɗiitʰ a ˈpʰɛɛj |
3. d͡ʒiitʰ |
23. ˌruumerˈɗiitʰ a ˈd͡ʒiitʰ |
4. ˈaŋan |
24. ˌruumerˈɗiitʰ a ˈʔaŋan |
5. tʰuul |
25. ˌruumerˈɗiitʰ a ˈtʰuul |
6. tʰuula ʔom (5+1) |
26. ˌruumerˈɗiitʰ a ˌtʰuula ˈʔom |
7. tʰuula pʰɛɛj (5+2) |
27. ˌruumerˈɗiitʰ a ˌtʰuula ˈpʰɛɛj |
8. tʰuula d͡ʒiitʰ (5+3) |
28. ˌruumerˈɗiitʰ a ˌtʰuula ˈd͡ʒiitʰ |
9. tʰuula aŋan (5+4) |
29. ˌruumerˈɗiitʰ a ˌtʰuula ˈaŋan |
10. ˈaarin |
30. ˌruumerˈɗiitʰ a ˈaarin ( 20 + 10) |
11. ˈaarin a oˈmʊŋ |
40. ˈpʰɔlpʰɔlɛ d͡ʒoo ˈpʰɛɛjkʰ ( 20 x 2 ) |
12. ˈaarin a ˈpʰɛɛj |
50. ˈpʰɔlpʰɔlɛ d͡ʒoo ˈpʰɛɛjkʰ a ˈaarin |
13. ˈaarin a ˈd͡ʒiitʰ |
60. ˈpʰɔlpʰɔlɛ d͡ʒoo ˈd͡ʒiitʰikʰ ( 20 x 3 ) |
14. ˈaarin a ˈaŋan |
70. ˈpʰɔlpʰɔlɛ d͡ʒoo ˈd͡ʒiitʰikʰ a ˈaarin |
15. ˈaarin a ˈtʰuul |
80. ˈpʰɔlpʰɔlɛ d͡ʒoo ˈaŋankʰ ( 20 x 4 ) |
16. ˈaarin a ˌtʰuula ˈʔom |
90. ˈpʰɔlpʰɔlɛ d͡ʒoo ˈaŋankʰ a ˈaarin |
17. ˈaarin a ˌtʰuula ˈpʰɛɛj |
100. ˈpʰɔlpʰɔlɛ d͡ʒoo tʰuul ( 20 x 5 ) / ˈɗibɛ * |
18. ˈaarin a ˌtʰuula ˈd͡ʒiitʰ |
200. zuɡo tɔmɔn ( 20 x 10 ) / ɗiˌbɛjɛ ˈpʰɛɛj |
19. ˈaarin a ˌtʰuula ˈaŋan |
1000. ˈkʰumɛ * |
20. ˌruumerˈɗiitʰ (one complete man ) |
Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Pete Unseth,
提供资料的语言学家: Dr. Pete Unseth, 1993 年 10 月 7 日, Ms. Sandra Hufnagel, 2007 年 8 月 1 日. |
Other comments: Majang has a numeral system based on twenty with a five-based substructure. The word 'ruumerˈɗiitʰ' in twenty means 'one complete person', that is all of his fingers and toes. 'forty' can be broken down to 'ˈpʰɔlpʰɔlɛ' means' finger/ toe, -e plural, 'd͡ʒoo' 'people', and pʰɛɛj 'two'. It is the fingers and toes of two peoples. The numbers 100 'ɗibɛ' and 1000 'kʰumɛ' are borrowing from one of nearby Cushitic language. |
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