Language name and locationː Mae, Malekula island, Vanuatu [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区埃语 (迪拉赫 Tirax), 瓦努阿图马勒库拉岛北部


1. haxal, hxal

21.  i-hŋoβlru/i-hŋoβilru dromana hxal

2. i-ru

22.  i-hŋoβlru/i-hŋoβilru dromana i-ru

3. i-til

23.  i-hŋoβlru/i-hŋoβilru dromana i-til

4. i-βat

24.  i-hŋoβlru/i-hŋoβilru dromana i-βat

5. i-lin

25.  i-hŋoβlru/i-hŋoβilru dromana i-lin

6. i-xɔwɛn ( 5 + 1 )

26.  i-hŋoβlru/i-hŋoβilru dromana i-xɔwɛn

7. i-xedit   ( 5 + 2 )

27.  i-hŋoβlru/i-hŋoβilru dromana i-xedit

8. i-xewɛl  ( 5 + 3 )

28.  i-hŋoβlru/i-hŋoβilru dromana i-xewɛl

9. i-xesiβ   ( 5 + 4 )

29.  i-hŋoβlru/i-hŋoβilru dromana i-xesiβ

10. i-hŋaβil

30.  i-hŋoβltil/i-hŋoβiltil

11. i-hŋaβil dromana hxal

40.  i-hŋoβlβat/i-hŋoβilβat

12. i-hŋaβil dromana i-ru

50.  i-hŋoβlin/i-hŋoβilin

13. i-hŋaβil dromana i-til

60.  i-hŋoβlxɔwɛn/i-hŋoβilxɔwɛn

14. i-hŋaβil dromana i-βat

70.  i-hŋoβlxedit/i-hŋoβilxedit

15. i-hŋaβil dromana i-lin

80.  i-hŋoβlxewɛl/i-hŋoβilxewɛl 

16. i-hŋaβil dromana i-xɔwɛn

90.  i-hŋoβlxesiβ/i-hŋoβilxesiβ

17. i-hŋaβil dromana i-xedit

100. i-ŋosŋaβil

18. i-hŋaβil dromana i-xewɛl


19. i-hŋaβil dromana i-xesiβ


20. i-hŋoβlru / i-hŋoβilru



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Amanda Brotchie, Department of Linguistics, University of Melbourne, Australia. January 21, 2005. September 3, 2011, December 21, 2013.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Amanda Brotchie, 2005 年 1 月 21 日. 2011年 9 月 3 日.


Other comments: Mae or Tirax or Dirax has a traditional quinary system. Mae is spoken by about 1,000 speakers (Lynch and Crowley 2001) in Malekula island, Malampa province, Vanuatu.
Note that the word for five 'lima' changed to 'i-lin'. There are variants with the higher numbers, where an /il/ varies with a syllabic /l/: E.g. i-hŋoβilru / i-hŋoβlru. There is another variant: the s and h in 100. (Tirax h is a reflex of an earlier *s) 100. i-ŋosŋaβil  / variant: i-ŋohŋaβil

Note the Tirax spelling system uses ‘v’ for the voiced bilabial fricative.


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