Language name and location: Lolopho, Laos, Yunnan, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 倮倮颇彝语, 老挝西北部琅南塔省, 云南省楚雄彝族自治州姚安县


1. tʰe31

21.  ȵi31 tɕɛ33 ti55

2. ȵi31

22.  ȵi31 tɕɛ33 ȵi31

3. ʂɔ33

23.  ȵi31 tɕɛ33 ʂɔ33 

4. li33

24.  ȵi31 tɕɛ33 li33

5. ŋɔ31 

25.  ȵi31 tɕɛ33 ŋɔ31  

6. tɕʰo55

26.  ȵi31 tɕɛ33 tɕʰo55

7. ɕi31

27.  ȵi31 tɕɛ33 ɕi31 

8. xɛ̃55

28.  ȵi31 tɕɛ33 xɛ̃55

9. kɤ33

29.  ȵi31 tɕɛ33 33

10. tɕʰɛ33 

30.  ʂɔ33 tɕʰɛ33  

11. tɕʰɛ33 ti55

40.  li33 tɕʰɛ33  

12. tɕʰɛ33 ȵi31

50.  ŋɔ31 tɕʰɛ33  

13. tɕʰɛ33 ʂɔ33 

60.  tɕʰo55 tɕʰɛ33     

14. tɕʰɛ33 li33

70.  ɕi31 tɕʰɛ33  

15. tɕʰɛ33 ŋɔ31

80.  xɛ̃55 tɕʰɛ33  

16. tɕʰɛ33 tɕʰo55

90.  kɤ33 tɕʰɛ33  

17. tɕʰɛ33 ɕi31 

100. tʰe31 xo33

18. tɕʰɛ33 xɛ̃55

200. ȵi31 xo33 

19. tɕʰɛ33 33

1000. tʰe31 tu33 < from which language ?

20. ȵi31 tɕɛ33

2000. ȵi31 tu3


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Norihiko Hayashi, Linguistics / Asian Languages and Culture, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Kobe, Japan. September 27, 2020.

供资料的语言学家: 林范彦博士 (日本神户市外国语大学), 2020 年 9 月 27 日.


Other comments: Lolopho has a decimal system. The above data was taken from fieldwork on Lolopho spoken in Muang Sing, a small town and district (muang) in Luang Namtha Province, northwestern Laos, about 60 kilometres northwest of the town of Luang Namtha and 360 kilometres northwest of Vientiane, Laos, Lolopho is spoken by approximately 300,000 speakers in Chuxiong, Jingdong, Lufeng, Mouding, Nanhua, Shuangbai, and Yao’an counties primarily, Yunnan province, China as well as Laos.


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