Language name and locationː Liabuku, Sulawesi, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区亚布库语, 印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛南部穆纳岛附近亚布库村


1. ˈɗisɛ

21. ˌhɑ:ˈfulu sɛˈisɛ

2. ˈɗuɑ

22. ˌhɑ:ˈfulu hɔˈɗuɑ

3. ˈtɔlu

23. ˌhɑ:ˈfulu tɔˈtɔlu

4. ˈpɑ:

24. ˌhɑ:ˈfulu pɔˈpɑ:

5. ˈɗimɑ

25. ˌhɑ:ˈfulu iˈɗimɑ

6. ˈnɔ:

26. ˌhɑ:ˈfulu nɔˈnɔ:

7. ˈpiʧu

27. ˌhɑ:ˈfulu piˈpiʧu

8. ɔˈɑlu

28. ˌhɑ:ˈfulu ɔˈɑlu

9. ˈsiuɑ

29. ˌhɑ:ˈfulu ˈsiuɑ

10. ɔˈmpulu

30. ˌtɔluˈfulu

11. ɔˈmpulu sɛˈisɛ

40. ˌpɑtɔˈfulu

12. ɔˈmpulu hɔˈɗuɑ

50. ˌlimɑˈfulu

13. ɔˈmpulu tɔˈtɔlu

60. ˌnɔmɔˈfulu

14. ɔˈmpulu pɔˈpɑ:

70. ˌpiʧuˈfulu

15. ɔˈmpulu iˈɗimɑ

80. ˌɑluˈfulu

16. ɔˈmpulu nɔˈnɔ:

90. ˌsiuɑˈfulu

17. ɔˈmpulu pɔˈpiʧu

100. mɔˈʔɔnɔ, 200.ˌhɑ:mɔˈʔɔnɔ    

18. ɔˈmpulu ɔˈɑlu

400.ˌpɑtɔmɔˈʔɔnɔ, 800.ˌɑlumɔˈʔɔnɔ

19. ɔˈmpulu ˈsiuɑ

1000. sɛˈhiwu

20. ˌhɑ:ˈfulu ~ ˌhuɑˈfulu



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. René van den Berg, SIL International-Sulawesi,

Indonesia, March 23, 1988, October 19, 2019.

提供资的语言: Dr. René van den Berg, 1988 年 3 月 23 , 2019 年 10 月 19 日


Other comments: Liabuku has decimal system is very similar to that of Muna, with three sets of numerals: free (1-10), reduplicated (in 11-19) and prefixed (in 20-100; 200, 400, 800, 1000, 2000; they are also used before classifiers and measure nouns). Differences with Muna include the free form ˈɗisɛ ‘one’ (Muna ˈisɛ), the reduplicated forms iɗimɑ ‘5’ (Muna didima or lidima) and pɔpiʧu ‘7’ (Muna pipitu), as well as the prefixed forms patɔ- ‘4’ and piʧu- ‘7’ (Muna fatɔ- and fitu-).

Liabuku, spoken in the village of Waliabuku, district of Bungi, Buton island, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.


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