Language name and locationː Lendu, DR. of the Congo [Ref to Ethnologue]

语言名称和分布地区: 伦杜语, 刚果民主共和国艾伯特湖西部东北部伊图例省


1. ɗì  / di * ( by Rev. N.M. Mpanzu )

21.  dredrenɡa aro ndidjo dirina

2. arɔ / aro

22.  dredrenɡa aro ndidjo arorina

3. ɡ͡bɔ / ɡbo

23.  dredrenɡa aro ndidjo ɡborina

4. θɔ / tho

24.  dredrenɡa aro ndidjo thorina

5. mbə / mbu

25.  dredrenɡa aro ndidjo mburina

6. aza / aza

26.  dredrenɡa aro ndidjo azarina

7. àrʊ̀-ɡ͡bɔ  / aruɡbo

27.  dredrenɡa aro ndidjo aruɡborina

8. àrʊ̀   / aru

28.  dredrenɡa aro ndidjo arurina

9. ɗrɛ-ði  / dredhi

29.  dredrenɡa aro ndidjo dredhirina

10. ɗrɛ / dree

30.  dredrenɡa ɡbo

11. t͡si-ði / dre ndidjo dirina *

40.  dredrenɡa tho

12. t͡si  /  dre ndidjo arorina

50.  dredrenɡa mbu

13. d͡ʒǔ-ði / dre ndidjo ɡborina

60.  dredrenɡa aza

14. d͡ʒu  / dre ndidjo thorina

70.  dredrenɡa aruɡbo

15. pɪ-ði / dre ndidjo mburina

80.  dredrenɡa aru

16. pɪ / dre ndidjo azarina

90.  dredrenɡa dredhi

17.      / dre ndidjo aruɡborina

100.  mia di (from Arabic 'miya')

18.      / dre ndidjo arurina

200.  mia aro

19.     / dre ndidjo dredhirina

1000. lufu di  <Arabic 'alip'

20.     / dredrenɡa aro

2000. lufu aro


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Constance Kutsch Lojenga, Summer Institute of Linguistics, SIL Eastern Zaire Group, December 30, 2007.

Old data in orthographic spellings provided by Rev. Nlandu M. Mpanzu of the former Societe Biblique du Zaire (Bible Society of Zaire), October 16, 1995.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Constance Kutsch Lojenga, 2007 年 12 月 30 日.


Other comments: Lendu is spoken by approximately 750,000 speakers in Ituri province, west and northwest of Lake Albert in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Lendu has a two-based system up to 16. Since it is no longer in use, there is no absolutely certainty about the system and its use. The second set was provided  Rev. Nlandu M. Mpanzu of the former Bible Society of Zaire, it seems the Lendu has developed a decimal system, too. Both Lendu and Ngiti have 3 level tones: high is á, low is ǎ, mid is unmarked.


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