Language name and locationː Lele, Manus, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区勒勒, 巴布亚新几亚之马努斯岛东部


1. sih

21.  maluŋuy e sih

2. luoh

22.  maluŋuy e luoh

3. toyoh

23.  maluŋuy e toyoh

4. hahow

24.  maluŋuy e hahow

5. imah (lit: 'hand')

25.  maluŋuy e imah

6. onoh

26.  maluŋuy e onoh

7. odrotoyoh (10 - 3)

27.  maluŋuy e odrotoyoh

8. odoluoh    (10 - 2)

28.  maluŋuy e odoluoh

9. odrosih     (10 - 1)

29.  maluŋuy e odrosih

10. suŋuy

30.  matiŋuy 

11. suŋuy e sih

40.  mahaŋuy

12. suŋuy e luoh

50.  mayimŋuy

13. suŋuy e toyoh

60.  manonoŋuy

14. suŋuy e hahow

70.  manondrtilŋuy

15. suŋuy e imah

80.  manodrluŋuy 

16. suŋuy e onoh

90.  manondrsuŋuy, 100. masaŋat,

17. suŋuy e odrotoyoh

200. malŋet, 300. matiŋat, 400. mahaŋat,

18. suŋuy e odoluoh

500. mayimŋat, 600. manonŋat,

19. suŋuy e odrosih

700. manodrtiŋat, 800. manodriluŋet,

20. maluŋuy

900. manodrsaŋat, 1000. masopuw


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Robert Blust, Department of linguistics,
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA. January 30, 2021.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Robert Blust, 2021 年 1 月 30 日


Other comments: Lele is a typical "Manus type" Austronesian language, having a decimal counting system with subtractive element 'ndr' or 'ndor' in 7, 8 and 9. Lele is spoken by 4,500 (Boettger 2015) in Lele-Bupi LLG, Manus province, Papua New Guinea.

Language name and locationː Lele, Manus, Papua New Guinea [Refer toː Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区勒勒, 巴布亚新几亚之马努斯岛东部


1. sih

21.  marŋul e sih

2. maruoh

22.  marŋul e ruoh

3. matoloh

23.  marŋul e toloh

4. mahahou

24.  marŋul e hahou

5. malimah lit: 'hand')

25.  marŋul e limah

6. manonoh

26.  marŋul e nonoh

7. manondrtoloh (10 - 3)

27.  marŋul e ondrtoloh

8. manondoruoh (10 - 2)

28.  marŋul e ondoruoh

9. manondrsih    (10 - 1)

29.  marŋul e ondrsih

10. masuŋul

30.  matilŋul 

11. masuŋul e sih

40.  mahaŋul

12. masuŋul e ruoh

50.  malimŋul

13. masuŋul e toloh

60.  manonŋul

14. masuŋul e hahou

70.  manondrtilŋul

15. masuŋul e limah

80.  manondorŋul 

16. masuŋul e nonoh

90.  manondrsuŋul

17. masuŋul e ondrtoloh

100. masaŋat

18. masuŋul e ondoruoh

200. marŋet

19. masuŋul e ondrsih

1000. maposih

20. marŋul

2000. maporuoh


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Juliane Boettger, School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Cairns, Australia, May 29, 2013.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Juliane Boettger, 2013 年 5 月 29 日


Other comments: Lele is a typical "Manus type" Austronesian language, having a decimal counting system with subtractive element 'ndr' or 'ndor' in 7, 8 and 9. There are a list of numeral classifiers. People were much less certain regarding the forms, since the classifiers seem to vanish with Tok Pisin influence. Lele is spoken by 4,500 (Boettger 2015) in Lele-Bupi LLG, Manus province, Papua New Guinea.


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