Language name and locationː Leipon, Manus, Papua New Guinea [Ref to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 雷蓬语, 巴布亚新几内亚之马努斯岛东北部隔海几个小岛


1. t̠ih

21. maroŋol e t̠ih

2. maruwɛh

22. maroŋol e ruwɛh

3. matʃuloh

23. maroŋol e tʃuloh

4. mahah

24. maroŋol e hah

5. malmɛh

25. maroŋol e limɛh

6. ma‿unoh

26. maroŋol e wunoh

7. maⁿd̠ɛtʃuloh (10 - 3 )

27. maroŋol e ⁿd̠ɛtʃuloh

8. maⁿd̠urwɛh  (10 - 2 )

28. maroŋol e ⁿd̠urwɛh

9. maⁿd̠ud̠ih     (10 - 1 )

29. maroŋol e ⁿd̠ud̠ih

10. masuŋol

30. matʃuloŋol

11. masuŋol e t̠ih

40. mahaŋol

12. masuŋol e ruwɛh

50. malmɛŋol

13. masuŋol e tʃuloh

60. ma‿unoŋol

14. masuŋol e hah

70. maⁿdotʃoŋol

15. masuŋol e limɛh

80. maⁿdorŋol

16. masuŋol e wunoh

90. maⁿdosoŋol

17. masuŋol e ⁿd̠ɛtʃuloh

100. masŋɛd̠, 200. maruŋad̠

18. masuŋol e ⁿd̠urwɛh

400. mahaŋad̠, 800. maⁿdurŋad̠

19. masuŋol e ⁿd̠ud̠ih

1000. madupo‿u

20. maroŋol

2000. marupo‿u


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. & Mrs. Zak and Laura O’Leary, SIL-Papua New Guinea, July 25, 2022.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. & Mrs. Zak and Laura O’Leary, 2022 年 7 月 25 日


Other comments: Leipon has a decimal counting system with special structure for numerals 7 to 9. Like many Leipon nouns, the word for hand is possessive. It is numo (my hand), nimem (your hand), nimen (his/her hand), etc. So the root is nime-, with a derivation for first person. Leipon is spoken by about 1,300 speakers in Lolo village, Hauwai, Ndrilo, and Pityilu islands, Manus province, Papua New Guinea.

Language name and locationː Leipon, Manus, Papua New Guinea [Ref to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 雷蓬语, 巴布亚新几内亚之马努斯岛东北部隔海几个小岛


1. tih


2. marweh


3. maculoh


4. mahah


5. malmeh (meh='hand' ?)


6. mawnoh


7. madeculoh ( 10 - 3 )


8. madurweh  ( 10 - 2 )


9. madutih      ( 10 - 1 )


10. masuŋol

30.  macolŋol

11. suŋol e tih

40.  mahaŋol

12. suŋol e rueh

50.  malmeŋol


60.  mawnoŋol


70.  madecoloŋol


80.  madoroŋol


90.  madosuŋol, 100. masŋet,


200. maruŋat, 300. maculŋat, 400. mahaŋat


500. malmeŋat, 600. mawnoŋat,


700. madeculŋat, 800. madoruŋat

20. maroŋol 

900. madosuŋat, 1000. matupaw


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Robert Blust, Department of linguistics,
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA. January 30, 2021.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Robert Blust, 2021 年 1 月 30 日


Other comments: Leipon has a decimal counting system with special structure for numerals 7 to 9. Leipon is spoken by about 1,300 speakers in Lolo village, Hauwai, Ndrilo, and Pityilu islands, Manus province, Papua New Guinea.


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