Language name and location: Western Lalu, Yunnan, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区西( Eka 额喀语), 云南省大理鹤庆巍山彝族回族自治县


1. tʂʰʅ21

21.  ŋ̩21 tsi55 ti21

2. ŋ̩21

22.  ŋ̩21 tsi55 ŋ̩21

3. sa33

23.  ŋ̩21 tsi55 sa33

4. ʔi33

24.  ŋ̩21 tsi55 ʔi33

5. ŋa21

25.  ŋ̩21 tsi55 ŋa21

6. kʰɔ21

26.  ŋ̩21 tsi55 kʰɔ21

7. xɨ21

27.  ŋ̩21 tsi55 21

8. çẽ21

28.  ŋ̩21 tsi55 çẽ21

9. kɯ̪33

29.  ŋ̩21 tsi55 kɯ̪33

10. tsʰi55 

30.  sa33 tsʰi55  

11. tsʰi55 ti21

40.  ʔi33 tsʰi55  

12. tsʰi55 ŋ̩21

50.  ŋa̤21 tsʰi55      

13. tsʰi55 sa33

60.  kʰɔ21 tsʰi55     

14. tsʰi55 ʔi33

70.  xɨ21 tsʰi55 

15. tsʰi55 ŋa21

80.  çẽ21 tsʰi55 

16. tsʰi55 kʰɔ21

90.  kɯ̪33 tsʰi55      

17. tsʰi55 21

100. tʂʰʅ21 hã55 

18. tsʰi55 çẽ21

200. ŋ̩21 h̃ã55

19. tsʰi55 kɯ̪33

1000. tsʰi55 hã55 (10 x 100) 

20. ŋ̩21 tsi55

2000. ŋ21 tsʰi55 hã55


Linguist providing data and dateː Miss Catherine Ching Yee Chan, SIL International, East Asia. September 2, 2009.

供资料的语言学家: Miss Catherine Ching Yee Chan, 2009 年 9 月 2 日.


Other comments: Eka has a decimal system language. Eka maybe a Western Lalo variety

There are three numbers (21, 22, 23) that people do not use anymore, they just use Mandarin loan words instead. Eka (autonym: o21 kha24; exonym: Menghua]) is a Loloish language of Yunnan, China. There are 3,000 speakers in Yijiacun, Heliu, Shuangjiang County, Lincang Prefecture. Eka speakers claim to have migrated from Weishan County about 300 years ago.

额喀语(內名: o21 kha24; 外名, 勐话) 是云南一种彝语群语言。临沧市双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县有约3千使用者。额喀语使用者认为他们在约300年前从巍山彝族回族自治县迁来。


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