Language name and locationː San Blas Kuna, Colón, Panama [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区圣巴拉斯-库纳语 (杜雷贾雅语 Duleigaiya), 巴拿马中部科隆省,

东部达里恩省, 库纳雅拉特区和恩贝拉-沃内安特区


1. ɡwen

21.  dulaɡwen ɡakaɡwen

2. bo

22.  dulaɡwen ɡakabo

3. baa

23.  dulaɡwen ɡakabaa

4. bake

24.  dulaɡwen ɡakabake

5. atar

25.  dulaɡwen ɡakatar

6. nerɡwa

26.  dulaɡwen ɡakanerɡwa

7. ɡuɡle

27.  dulaɡwen ɡakaɡuɡle

8. baabak

28.  dulaɡwen ɡakabaabak

9. bakebak

29.  dulaɡwen ɡakabakebak

10. ambe

30.  dulaɡwen ɡakambe

11. ambe ɡakaɡwen

40.  dulabo

12. ambe ɡakabo

50.  dulabo ɡakambe

13. ambe ɡakabaa

60.  dulapaa

14. ambe ɡakabake

70.  dulapaa ɡakambe

15. ambe ɡakaatr

80.  dulabake

16. ambe ɡakanerɡwa

90.  dulabake ɡakambe

17. ambe ɡakaɡuɡle

100. dulatar

18. ambe ɡakabaabak

200.  dulatar ilabo

19. ambe ɡakabakebak

1000. mil ( < Spanish )

20. dulaɡwen

2000. milibo


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Keith Forster, SIL International, Panama, March 23, 2009.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Keith Forster, 2009 年 3 月 23 日.


Other comments: San Blas Kuna or Duleigaiya is spoken by approximately 57,000 speakers out of 80,000 ethnic population in Colón province: Guna Yala comarca, Metro Colón; Darién province; Emberá and Kuna Yala provinces; Panamá province, Panama. San Blas Kuna has a vigesimal system. The use of the Kuna number system is becoming obsolete in certain areas: the city, the San Blas Islands, and somewhat in the area of the Bayano Lake. The Kuna number system is still used in the Chucunaque River and in Border Kuna villages on either side of the Colombia-Panama border.

There are several possible words changes for, depending on the class of the noun to which it refers.

The Kuna numbers are prefixed by either:

  1. Shape: war- [long,} gwa- [round,} mata- [flat] goa- [piece,]
  2. Time period: birga- [year,] nii- [moon/month,] iba- [day,] wachi-
    [hour – borrowed,]
  3. Collective noun: guk- [bundle,] garba- [basket,] uka- [fish,]
  4. Measurments: dali- [span of two arms,] bisge- [elbow to wrist,] etc.
  5. In the case of money, the number is doubled because the basic unit is suid- [=50c – rather than a dollar]

NOTE: the number system for number over 100 is as follows:

120 = dulanergwa = six twenties

140 = dulagugle = seven twenties

160 = dulabaabak = 8 twenties

180 = dulabakebak = 9 twenties

200 = dulatarilabo = 100 X 2


From the number 200 on, the system is regular:

220 = dulatar-ilabo gakadulagwen

230 = dulatar-ilabogakadulagwen gakambe

240 = dulatar-ilabo gakadulabo, etc.


Measurements are mainly borrowed terms:

  1. Nibir (borrowed from the Spanish term “libro”=pound) The Kunas use the pound measurement, though outsiders use kilos.
  2. Galon (borrowed) The Kunas use a gallon measure rather than the local liter.
  3. Danke (borrowed from Spanish to refer to a 55 gallon drum)

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