Language name and location: Kua-nsi Yi, Yunnan, China [Refer to: Ethnologue ]

言名称和分布地区夸恩斯彝语, 云南省大理白族自治州鹤庆县六合彝族乡


1. tɕʰi21

21.  m̩21 tɕɿ55 tsɿ21

2. ɲi21

22.  m̩21 tɕɿ55 ɲi21

3. su55

23.  m̩21 tɕɿ55 su55

4. ɿ55

24.  m̩21 tɕɿ55 ɿ55

5. ŋu21

25.  m̩21 tɕɿ55 ŋu21

6. tɕʰo21

26.  m̩21 tɕɿ55 tɕʰo21

7. sɿ21

27.  m̩21 tɕɿ55 sɿ21

8. ɕi21

28.  m̩21 tɕɿ55 ɕi21

9. kɯ33

29.  m̩21 tɕɿ55 33

10. tɕʰɿ55 

30.  su33 tɕʰɿ55  

11. tɕʰɿ55 tsɿ21

40.  ɿ33 tɕʰɿ55  

12. tɕʰɿ55 ɲi21

50.  ŋu21 tɕʰɿ55   

13. tɕʰɿ55 su55

60.  tɕʰo21 tɕʰɿ55   

14. tɕʰɿ55 ɿ55

70.  sɿ21 tɕʰɿ55  

15. tɕʰɿ55 ŋu21

80.  ɕi21 tɕʰɿ55

16. tɕʰɿ55 tɕʰo21

90.  kɯ33 tɕʰɿ55   

17. tɕʰɿ55 sɿ21

100. tɕʰi21 ɕuŋ55

18. tɕʰɿ55 ɕi21

200. ɲi21 ɕuŋ55

19. tɕʰɿ55 33

1000. tɕʰi21 55

20. m̩21 tɕɿ55

2000. ɲi21 55


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Zi Haiwei, SIL International, East Asia, August 7, 2009.

供资料的语言学家: 子海伟先生, 2009 年 8 月 7 日.


Other comments: Kua-nsi has a decimal system. There are two different forms for the number ''one''. Kua-nsi (kʰua33 n̩21 sɨ55; Chinese: 跨恩斯话; Hedong Yi 河东彝) is a recently discovered Loloish language of live in seven villages of Liuhe Township 六合乡, northern Heqing County, Yunnan, China. (Castro, et al. 2010:23). There are approximately 5,000 Kua-nsi speakers. Gomotage (ɣɔ21 mɔ33 ta55 ɣə21), an undocumented and little-known Loloish language of Eryuan County, is also probably related to Kua-nsi (Yang 2010:7).


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