Language name and location: Krongo, South Kordofan state, Sudan [Ref to Ethnologue]
1. t-yuŋwa |
21. |
2. t-yáaryà |
22. |
3. t-yóotòonò |
23. |
4. t-yóocìisò |
24. |
5. àrwá-tì-nìisò (litː 'hit/beat-SGT-hand') |
25. |
6. àttì kí-tì nyúŋwá (5+1) |
26. |
7. àttì kí-tì nyáaryà (5+2) |
27. |
8. àttì kí-tì nyóotòonò (5+3) |
28. |
9. àttì kí-tì nyóocìisò (5+4) |
29. |
10. àttì kí-tì n-árwá-tì-nìiso * |
30. |
11. |
40. t-áa m-áatu ncáaryà * |
12. |
50. |
13. |
60. |
14. |
70. |
15. |
80. |
16. |
90. |
17. |
100. t-áa m-áatu nk-árwá-ti-nìiso * |
18. |
200. |
19. |
1000. |
20. t-áa má-káaw * |
2000. |
Linguist providing
data and dateː Prof. Mechthild Reh,
Asia-Africa-Institute University of Hamburg, Asia-Africa-Institute,
Hamburg, Germany. May 17, 2007. |
Other comments: Krongo is spoken by approximately 40,000 speakers in South Kordofan state, Sudan. Krongo has a quinary numeral system. 10 is expressed literally by ''bend LOC(at)-it beating SGT-hand'', 20 is expressed literally by ''INF-be of-person'', 40 '' INF-be of persons CONN.PLːbeat /hit-SGT-hand'' and 100 ''INF-be of-persons CONN.PLːbeat /hit-SGT-hand''. |
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