Language name and location: Kosraean, Kosrae state, FSM
[Refer to
Ethnologue] |
1. sie |
21. loŋowl sie |
2. luo |
22. loŋowl luo |
3. tolu |
23. loŋowl tolu |
4. ækoʂ |
24. loŋowl ækoʂ |
5. limekɔʂ |
25. loŋowl limekɔʂ |
6. ɔnkɔʂ |
26. loŋowl ɔnkɔʂ |
7. itkɔʂ |
27. loŋowl itkɔʂ |
8. alkɔʂ |
28. loŋowl alkɔʂ |
9. jə |
29. loŋowl jə |
10. siŋəwl |
30. tolŋowl |
11. siŋəwl sie |
40. aŋːawl |
12. siŋəwl luo |
50. lamŋawl |
13. siŋəwl tolu |
60. onŋowl |
14. siŋəwl ækoʂ |
70. itŋəwl |
15. siŋəwl limekɔʂ |
80. alŋəwl |
16. siŋəwl ɔnkɔʂ |
90. jəŋəwl |
17. siŋəwl itkɔʂ |
100. siofok |
18. siŋəwl alkɔʂ |
200. lofoko |
19. siŋəwl jə |
1000. tawsin se (tawsin> English 'thousand') |
20. loŋowl |
2000. tawsin luo |
Linguist providing data and dateː
Dr. Emerson Odango, Department of Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA,
February 4, The data were relied on the Kusaiean-English dictionary (Kee-dong Lee, 1976) and A Kusaiean reference grammar (Kee-dong Lee, 1974). References 1. Bender, Bryon W., Ward H. Goodenough, Frederick H. Jackson, Jeffrey C. Mark, Kenneth L. Rehg, Ho-min Sohn, Stephen Trussel & Judith W. Wang. 2003a. Proto-Micronesian Recosntructions-1. Oceanic Linguistics 42. 1-110. 2. Lee, Kee-dong. 1975. Kusaiean reference grammar. PALI Language Textsː Micronesia. Honolulu, HIː University of Hawai'i Press. 提供资料的语言学家: Dr. Emerson Odango, 2012 年 2 月 4 日 |
Other comments: Kosraean has a decimal system with several sets of classifiers which used with different nouns similar to other Micronesian languages. The above set is used for series counting provided by Dr. Elaine M. Good of department of Languages and Literature, University of Papua New Guinea sent old data for Kusaiean language to Eugene Chan in September 1, 1988. Kosraean is spoken by about 8,000 speakers in Kosrae state; Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia. Kosraean Phonetic Chart: Consonantsː
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