Language name and locationː South Kodut, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区南部科杜特语/ 南部瓦图特语 South Watut, 巴布亚新几内亚莫内比省中部内陆地区


1. takatanaŋ / waŋin

2. suruʔ

3. suruʔ waŋin ( litː ''2 + 1") 

4. suruʔ a suruʔ  (litː ''2 + 2'') 

5. ɡi-baŋi-nd a mbufi (litː ''one hand'' )

6. ɡi-baŋi-nd a mbufi kats takatanaŋ

7. ɡi-baŋi-nd a mbufi kats a suruʔ

8. ɡi-baŋi-nd a mbufi kats suruʔ waŋin

9. ɡi-baŋi-nd a mbufi kats suruʔ a suruʔ

10. ɡi-baŋi-nd a mbufi a mbufi [litː ''completed (two hands)'']

11. ɡi-baŋi-nd a mbufi a mbufi waŋin

12. ɡi-baŋi-nd a mbufi a mbufi suruʔ

13. ɡi-baŋi-nd a mbufi a mbufi suruʔ waŋin

14. ɡi-baŋi-nd a mbufi a mbufi suruʔ a suruʔ

15. ɡi-baŋi-nd a musunu iktas ɡi-fa-nd fiatak  

     (litː ''our hands together jumps onto the top of our leg '')

20. ɡi-baŋi-nd a ɡi-fa-nd mi-maʔ adzuʔ (litː ''our hands and our feet finished'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Susanne Holzknecht. Department of Linguistics,
The Australian National University. Canberra, Australia. October 21, 1998.
提供资的语言家: Dr. Susanne Holzknecht. 1998 年 10 月 21 日.


Other comments: South Kodut or South Watut has a counting system combines the counting system based on two with tallying on hand and feet to twenty. South Kodut is spoken about 700 speakers in Bulaprik (Gumots), Dangal, Maralangko, Sanang, Wawas and Zinimb villages, lower or south Watut river, Morobe province, Papua New Guinea.


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