Language name and locationː North Kodut, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区北部科杜特语 (北部瓦图特语North Watut / 乌南克语 Unank ),



1. biʔita

2. siruʔ

3. siruʔ a biʔits  ( litː ''2 + 1") 

4. siruʔ a siruʔ  ( litː ''2 + 2'') 

5. siruʔ a siruʔ a biʔits  ( litː ''2 + 2 + 1'') / baŋkeʔ haitsiʔ (litː ''one hand'' )

6. baŋkeʔ haitsiʔ a biʔita

7. baŋkeʔ haitsiʔ a siruʔ

8. baŋkeʔ haitsiʔ a siruʔ a biʔits 

9. baŋkeʔ haitsiʔ a siruʔ a siruʔ

10. babu itsʔ [litː ''completed (two hands)'']

11. babu itsʔ a biʔita 

12. babu itsʔ a siruʔ

13. babu itsʔ a siruʔ a biʔits 

14. babu itsʔ a siruʔ a biʔits  a siruʔ

15. baŋkeʔ tsiʔ bubu di-yats ina hagaʔ biʔits (litː ''completed hands and his one foot'')
16. baŋkeʔ tsiʔ bubu di-yats ina hagaʔ biʔits a biʔits   
17. baŋkeʔ tsiʔ bubu di-yats ina hagaʔ siruʔ a siruʔ
18. baŋkeʔ tsiʔ bubu di-yats ina hagaʔ siruʔ a siruʔ a biʔits    
19. baŋkeʔ tsiʔ bubu di-yats ina hagaʔ siruʔ a siruʔ a siruʔ
20. baŋkeʔ haitsi baŋkeʔ thaitsi hagaʔ haitsi hagaʔ haits 
     (lit: ''completed hands and completed feet'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Susanne Holzknecht. Department of Linguistics,
The Australian National University. Canberra, Australia. October 21, 1998.
提供资的语言家: Dr. Susanne Holzknecht. 1998 年 10 月 21 日.


Other comments: North Kodut or North Watut or Unank has a counting system combines the counting system based on two with tallying on hand and feet to twenty.  North Kodut is spoken by about 600 speakers in Mahanadzo, Morom, and Wampan villages, Mumeng district, Kaiapit area, Waffa valley, Morobe province, Papua New Guinea.


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