Language name and locationː Kioko, Sulawesi, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区基奥科语, 印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛南部


1. se'ise

21.  χuɑ'ɸulu se'ise

2. χu'ɗuɑ

22.  χuɑ'ɸulu χu'duɑ

3. to'tolu

23.  χuɑ'ɸulu to'tolu

4. βo'pɑː

24.  χuɑ'ɸulu βo'pɑː

5. li'ɗimɑ

25.  χuɑ'ɸulu li'limɑ

6. no'noː

26.  χuɑ'ɸulu no'noː

7. βi'pitʃu

27.  χuɑ'ɸulu βi'pitʃu

8. o'ɑlu

28.  χuɑ'ɸulu o'ɑlu

9. sisi'uɑ

29.  χuɑ'ɸulu sisi'uɑ

10. om'pulu

30.  tolu'ɸulu

11. omˌpulu se'ise

40.  ɸɑto'ɸulu

12. omˌpulu χu'ɗuɑ

50.  limɑ'ɸulu

13. omˌpulu to'tolu

60.  nomo'ɸulu

14. omˌpulu βo'pɑː

70.  ɸitʃu'ɸulu

15. omˌpulu li'ɗima

80.  ɑlu'ɸulu

16. omˌpulu no'noː

90.  siˌuɑ'ɸulu

17. omˌpulu βi'pitʃu

100. mo'ʔono

18. omˌpulu o'ɑlu

200. χuɑmo'ʔono

19. omˌpulu sisi'uɑ

1000. se'χiβu

20. χuɑ'ɸulu

2000. χuɑ'χiβu


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. David Mead, SIL International, data provided by Barahama, a native speaker of Kioko, September 15, 2012.

提供资的语言家: Dr. David Mead, 2012 年 9 月 15 日.


Other comments: Kioko a decimal system similar to that of Pancana. Kioko is probably a dialect of Pancana.  However, we may need to collect a few more word lists before it can all be properly sorted out. Kioko phonemes /β/ and /χ/ were only lightly fricative in the speech of our respondent, sometimes much resembling [w] and [h]

orthographic forms are:  seisehuduatotoluwopaalidimanonoowipicuoalusisiua,  …  hua fulu ‘twenty’, etc. 


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