Language name and location: Kholosi, Hormozgan, Iran [Not reported in Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区科罗斯语, 伊朗南部霍尔木兹甘省


1. /ɦokko/ [ɦo̞k̚ko̞]

21. /vizoɦokko/

2. /baɾɔ/ [baːɾɔ]

22. /vizobaɾɔ/

3. /teɾeɽɔ/ [tĕ̞ɾe̞ɽɔ]

23. /vizoteɾeɽɔ/

4. /t͡ʃɔllɔ/ [t͡ʃɔllɔ]

24.  /vizot͡ʃɔllɔ/

5. /paɲd͡ʒeɾɔ/ [paɲd͡ʒĕ̞ɾɔ]

25.  /vizopaɲd͡ʒeɾɔ/

6. /t͡ʃʰeɾɔ/ [ʃe̞ːɾɔ ~ t͡ʃʰe̞ːɾɔ]

26.  /vizoʃeɾɔ/

7. /sateɾɔ/ [säte̞ɾɔ]

27.  /vizosateɾɔ/

8. /ateɾɔ/ [äːtĕ̞ɾɔ]

28.  /vizoateɾɔ/

9. /naʋeɾɔ/ [näːʋĕ̞ɾɔ]

29.  /vizonaʋeɾɔ/

10. /dazeɾɔ/ [dɐze̞ɾɔ]


11. /dazoɦokko/


12. /dazobaɾɔ/


13. /dazoteɾeɽɔ/


14. /dazot͡ʃɔllɔ/


15. /dazopaɲd͡ʒeɾɔ/


16. /dazoʃeɾɔ/


17. /dazosateɾɔ/

100. /sau/

18. /dazoateɾɔ/


19. /dazonaʋeɾɔ/


20. /vizeɾɔ/



Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Aryaman Arora, Georgetown University, B.S. Computer Science and Linguistics, USA, January 7, 2021, January 11, 2021.

Reference Source: Anonby, Erik; Bahmani, Hassan Mohebbi (2013). "Shipwrecked and Landlocked: A Description of Kholosi, an Indo-Aryan language of Southwest Iran". Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Iranian Linguistics. Further Topics in Iranian Linguistics.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Aryaman Arora, 2021 年 1 月 7 日.


Other comments: Kholosi has a decimal system similar to that of the Sindhi language. Kholosi is an endangered Indo-Aryan language of Iran, classified under the Sindhic subbranch of the Northwestern zone. It is only spoken in two villages, Kholus and Gotaw, in Hormozgan province. It was first described in 2008. At its current status, the language is considered endangered. In 2008. As it is located on the Iranian Plateau and surrounded by Iranian languages, it draws heavily from them. Kholosi is definitively known to be an Indo-Aryan language albeit with significant lexical borrowing from Iranian languages given its geographical location. At the lexical level, it seems to share vocabulary largely with the Sindhi languages, which are the source of other Indo-Aryan migrations to the Middle East such as Luwati in Oman.


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