Language name and locationː Lebo' Vo' Kenyah, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区勒波沃-克尼亚语, 印度尼西亚加里曼丹岛东北部


1. ʄo *

21.  luɨ ʄap ʄo

2. luɨ

22.  luɨ ʄap luɨ

3. təlu

23.  luɨ ʄap təlu

4. pat

24.  luɨ ʄap pat

5. ləmɨ

25.  luɨ ʄap ləmɨ

6. nəm

26.  luɨ ʄap nəm

7. tuʄək

27.  luɨ ʄap tuʄək

8. ayɨ

28.  luɨ ʄap ayɨ

9. piʔən

29.  luɨ ʄap piʔən

10. (ʄɨ)ʄap

30.  təlu ʄap

11. ʄap ʄo

40.  pat ʄap

12. ʄap luɨ

50.  ləmɨ ʄap

13. ʄap təlu

60.  nəm ʄap

14. ʄap pat 

70.  tuʄək ʄap

15. ʄap ləmɨ

80.  ayɨ ʄap

16. ʄap nəm

90.  piʔən ʄap

17. ʄap tuʄək

100. ato

18. ʄap ayɨ

200. luɨ ato

19. ʄap piʔən

1000. iɓu

20. luɨ ʄap

2000. luɨ iɓu


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Alexander D. Smith, Department of Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA, July 22, 2015.

供资料的语言 学家: Dr. Alexander D. Smith, 2015 年 7 月 22 日


Other comments: Lebo' Vo' of Long San has a decimal system with a particular sound

<ʄ>, a barred j with a hook, as in numbers 1. ʄo, 7. tuʄək and 10. ʄap, it is a voiced implosive palatal stop.

Lebo' Vo' Kenyah Spoken at Long San, Long Selaan, and Long Ikang, along the Baram River, Sarawak, Malaysia. Very close to the Akah tributary. Consultants: Michael Laing Serang and Mina Meneng Ngau. Not sure that Lebo' Vo' Kenyah is one of the Eastern Lowland Kenyahs ?


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