Language name and locationː Kaulong, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区隆语 (帕西斯马努亚语Pasismanua), 巴布亚新几内亚西新不列颠省西南部


1. tehen / ta

2. ponβal

3. miuk

4. mnal / nal

5. eip (lit: 'one hand') 

6. (eip si) ta mesup

7. (eip si) ponβal mesup

8. (eip si) miuk mesup

9. (eip si) mnal mesup

10. eip ponβal (lit: 'two hands') 

11. eip ponβal u ta mesup
12. eip ponβal u ponβal mesup
13. eip ponβal u miuk mesup
14. eip ponβal u mnal mesup
15. eip miuk (lit: 'three hands') / eip nu marasul
16. eip miuk u ta mesup
17. eip miuk u ponβal mesup
18. eip miuk u miuk mesup
19. eip miuk u mnal mesup
20. eip nal  (litː 'four hands')
100. eip eip nal (litː 'four four hands') /eipunwal eipunwal / handet <English
1000. tausen < English


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Craig Throop, SIL International, Papua New Guinea, November 7, 1997.
提供资的语言家: Dr. Craig Throop, 1997 年 11 月 7 日


Other comments: Kaulong or Pasismanua has a quinary system. The numerals 10, 15 and 20 are expressed by two hands, three hands and four hands, respectively. They seldom used higher numbers more than 20. Now they use English or Tok Pidgin more frequently. Kaulong is spoken by about 4,000 speakers in southwest of West New Britain province, Papau New Guinea.


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