Language name and location: Katso, Tonghai, Yunnan, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区喀卓, 中国云南通海县兴蒙乡


1. tɛi31

21.  tsi33 tɛi31

2. ŋ31

22.  tsi33 ŋ31

3. si33

23.  tsi33 si24

4. xɤ33

24.  tsi33 24

5. ŋa31

25.  tsi33 ŋa31

6. tɕʰo53

26.  tsi33 tɕʰo53

7. sɿ31

27.  tsi33 sɿ31

8. ɕi53

28.  tsi33 ɕi53

9.  kv33

29.  tsi33 kv24

10. tsʰi33

30.  si33 tsʰi33

11. tsʰi33 tsɿ35  *

40.  xɤ33 tsʰi33 

12. tsʰi33 ŋ31

50.  ŋa31 tsʰi33 

13. tsʰi33 si24 

60.  tɕʰo53 tsʰi33 

14. tsʰi33 24 

70.  sɿ31 tsʰi33 

15. tsʰi33 ŋa31   

80.  ɕi53 tsʰi33 

16. tsʰi33 tɕʰo53

90.  kv33 tsʰi33 

17. tsʰi33 sɿ31

100. tɛi31 xa323

18. tsʰi33 ɕi53

200.  ŋ31 xa323

19. tsʰi33 kv24

1000. tɛi31 tv24

20. ŋ31 tsi24

2000. ŋ31 tv24


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Chris Donlay, Department of Linguistics University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. January 25, 2013.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Chris Donlay, 2013 年 1 月 25 日.


Other comments: Katso [kha55tso31] / Kazhuo is spoken by approximately 4,000 speakers in Xingmeng Village, Tonghai County, Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China. Katso has a decimal system. Note that there are changes in form and tone among the numerals 11-19, and the 'one' in 11 and 21 used different form; these are correct and not typos.


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