Language name and location: Mobaw Karen, Kayah, Myanmar [Refer to: Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区莫鲍克伦语 (德穆哈克伦 Dermuha), 缅甸东南部卡伦邦


1. lə⁵⁴ kʰa²²  (kʰa²² is a classifier)

21.  ʃĩ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ lə⁵⁴ kʰa²²

2. ʃĩ⁵⁴ /kʰa²²

22.  ʃĩ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ ʃĩ⁵⁴ kʰa²²

3. tə⁵⁴ kʰa²² / tə⁵⁴

23.  ʃĩ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ tə⁵⁴ kʰa²²

4. lwe⁵⁴ kʰa²² / lwe⁵⁴

24.  ʃĩ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ lwe⁵⁴ kʰa²²

5. ze⁵⁴ kʰa²² / ze⁵⁴  

25.  ʃĩ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ ze⁵⁴ kʰa²²

6. xoᵘ⁵⁴ kʰa²² / xoᵘ⁵⁴

26.  ʃĩ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ xoᵘ⁵⁴ kʰa²²

7. nwi⁵⁴ kʰa²² / nwi⁵⁴

27.  ʃĩ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ nwi⁵⁴ kʰa²²

8. xu⁵⁴ kʰa²² / xu⁵⁴

28.  ʃĩ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ xu⁵⁴ kʰa²²

9. w̥e⁵⁴ kʰa²² / w̥e⁵⁴

29.  ʃĩ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ w̥e⁵⁴ kʰa²²

10. ʔə⁵⁴ kʰa²² sʰei⁵⁴ˀ *

30.  tə⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ / ʔə³² kʰa²² tə⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ

11. sʰei⁵⁴ˀ lə⁵⁴ kʰa²²

40.  lwe⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ / ʔə³² kʰa²² lwe⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ

12. sʰei⁵⁴ˀ ʃĩ³² kʰa²²

50.  ze⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ / ʔə³² kʰa²² ze⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ

13. sʰei⁵⁴ˀ tə³² kʰa²²

60.  xoᵘ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ / ʔə³² kʰa²² xoᵘ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ

14. sʰei⁵⁴ˀ lwe³² kʰa²²

70.  nwi⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ / ʔə³² kʰa²² nwi⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ

15. sʰei⁵⁴ˀ ze³² kʰa²²

80.  xu⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ / ʔə³² kʰa²² xu⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ

16. sʰei⁵⁴ˀ xoᵘ³² kʰa²²

90.  w̥e⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ / ʔə³² kʰa²² w̥e⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ

17. sʰei⁵⁴ˀ nwi³² kʰa²² / ɲwi³² kʰa²²

100. lə⁵⁴ za²² / ʔə³² kʰa²² lə⁵⁴ za²²

18. sʰei⁵⁴ˀ xu³² kʰa²²

200. ʃĩ⁵⁴ za²²/ ʔə³² kʰa²² ʃĩ⁵⁴ za²²

19. sʰei⁵⁴ˀ w̥e³² kʰa²²

1000. lə⁵⁴ tʰɔ⁵⁴ / ʔə³² kʰa²² lə⁵⁴ tʰɔ⁵⁴

20. ʃĩ⁵⁴ sʰei⁵⁴ˀ

2000. ʃĩ⁵⁴ tʰɔ⁵⁴ / ʔə³² kʰa²² lə⁵⁴ tʰɔ⁵⁴


Linguist providing data and dateː Miss Naw Veronica, MA student, Department of linguistics, Payap University, Chiangmai, Thailand. February 12, 2013.

提供资的语言学家: Miss Naw Veronica, 2013 年 2 月 12 日.


Other comments: Mobwa or Dermuha Karen is an undocumented Karenic language. Note that for number 10, actually, sʰei⁵⁴ˀ is 'ten' and kʰa²² is the classifier in that language. For Dermuha, it is from Bwe-Mopwa group and not same group as Paku. Paku is more like Sgaw. In Taungoo region in Myanmar, we have different Paku dialects according to the mountain where they live. There are four tones in Dermuhaː High tone v˥ (tone stick) / v⁵⁴ (tone numbers), Mid tone v˧  / v³², Low tone v˩ / v²²,  High glottal tone v˥ˀ / v⁵⁴ˀ

Language name and location: Mobaw Karen, Kayah, Myanmar [Refer to: Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区莫鲍克伦语 (布利茂方言 Blimaw dialect), 缅甸东南部卡伦邦


1. la¹¹plo¹¹ (plo¹¹ is a classifier)

21.  ɕi⁵⁵sʰei¹¹la¹¹kʰa¹¹

2. ɕi⁵⁵plo¹¹


3. tə⁵⁵plo¹¹


4. lṳe̤³³plo¹¹


5. dze̤³³plo¹¹


6. hɔ⁵⁵plo¹¹


7. nṳi̤³³plo¹¹


8. hu⁵⁵plo¹¹


9.  hue⁵⁵plo⁵⁵


10. ʔa¹¹plo¹¹sʰei¹¹


11. sʰei¹¹la¹¹kʰa¹¹

40. lṳe̤³³sʰei¹¹

12. sʰei¹¹ɕi⁵⁵kʰa¹¹

50. dze̤³³sʰei¹¹

13. sʰei¹¹tə⁵⁵kʰa¹¹

60.  hɔ⁵⁵sʰei¹¹

14. sʰei¹¹lṳe̤³³kʰa¹¹

70.  nṳi̤³³sʰei¹¹

15. sʰei¹¹dze̤³³kʰa¹¹

80.  hu⁵⁵sʰei¹¹

16. sʰei¹¹hɔ⁵⁵kʰa¹¹

90.  hue⁵⁵sʰei¹¹

17. sʰei¹¹nṳi̤³³kʰa¹¹

100.  la¹¹dza̤¹¹, 200.  ɕi⁵⁵la¹¹dza̤¹¹

18. sʰei¹¹hu⁵⁵kʰa¹¹

300.  tə⁵⁵la¹¹dza̤¹¹

19. sʰei¹¹hue⁵⁵kʰa¹¹

1000.  la¹¹tʰɔ¹¹, 2000.  ɕi⁵⁵la¹¹tʰɔ¹¹

20. ɕi⁵⁵sʰei¹¹

3000. tə⁵⁵la¹¹thɔ¹¹, 10000.  ta¹¹ka¹¹la¹¹


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Ken Manson, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Thailand, April 11, 2019.

Source: Shintani, Tadahiko. 2017. The Blimaw language (Linguistic Survey of Tay Cultural Area 112). Tokyo: The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa. ISBN 978-4-86337-248-1)

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Ken Manson, 2019 年 4 月 11 日.


Other comments: Mobaw Karen has a decimal system. Mobaw Karen is spoken by about 4,000 speakers in 9 villages in Thandaung township, western foot of Thandaung mountains and some in Bago region: Taungoo township, Kayin state, Maymar. The data was taken from Blimaw “a dialect closely related to the Mobwa (Mopwa, Palaychi) group” Shintani Foreword). Only one village in the Thandaung area (Karen State, Myanmar). No village name.

Note: plo¹¹ and kha¹¹ are classifiers. It is interesting to note that multiples of 100 and 1,000 retain the numeral ‘one’ e.g. 200 =2x one-hundred, unlike other Karen languages.


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