Language name and location: Geko Karen, Kayin state, Myanmar [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区格科克伦 (卡道克伦 Kadaw), 缅甸东南部卡伦邦及掸邦


1. ta33 ma̤31 (ma̤31 is a classifier)

21.  nəɯ55tsʰɯ33ta33ma̤31

2. nəɯ55ma̤31


3. θəɯ33ma̤31 


4. lo̤e̤24ma̤31


5. ŋɛ̤24ma̤31


6. cʰɔ33ma̤31


7. noe33ma̤31


8. tsʰɔ33ma̤31


9. kʰʷei33ma̤31


10. ta33tsʰɯ33

30.  θəɯ33tsʰɯ33

11. ta33tsʰɯ33 ta33ma̤31

40.  lo̤e̤24tsʰɯ33

12. ta33tsʰɯ33 nəɯ55ma̤31

50.  ŋɛ̤24tsʰɯ33

13. ta33tsʰɯ33 θəɯ33ma̤31

60.  cʰɔ33tsʰɯ33 

14. ta33tsʰɯ33 lo̤e̤24ma̤31

70.  noe33tsʰɯ33

15. ta33tsʰɯ33 ŋɛ̤24ma̤31

80.  tsʰɔ33tsʰɯ33

16. ta33tsʰɯ33 cʰɔ33ma̤31

90.  kʰʷei33tsʰɯ33 

17. ta33tsʰɯ33 noe33ma̤31

100. la33 re̤i̤33, 101. ta33 re̤i̤33ta33ma̤31

18. ta33tsʰɯ33 tsʰɔ33ma̤31

200. nəɯ55re̤i̤33, 300. θəɯ33re̤i̤33 

19. ta33tsʰɯ33 kʰʷei33ma̤31

1000. ta33tʰon55 

20. nəɯ55tsʰɯ33



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Ken Manson, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Thailand, April 11, 2019.

Source: Shintani, Tadahiko. 2015. The Kadaw language (Linguistic Survey of Tay Cultural Area 106). Tokyo: The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa.  ISBN 978-4-86337-174-3)

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Ken Manson, 2019 年 4 月 11 日.


Other comments: Kadaw Karen has a decimal numeral system. Shintani does not give a location/village name. But from my analysis Kadaw is a village dialect of Gekho [ghk]Kadaw is spoken in Kayah State, and has nasalized vowels but no final nasal consonants.[13] It has more Burmese than Shan influence from wikipedia. Geko Karen is spoken by approximately 17,000 speakers in Kayin state and Shan state, Myanmar.


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