Language name and location: Geko Karen, Kayin state, Myanmar [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. ta33 ma̤31 (ma̤31 is a classifier) |
21. nəɯ55tsʰɯ33ta33ma̤31 |
2. nəɯ55ma̤31 |
22. |
3. θəɯ33ma̤31 |
23. |
4. lo̤e̤24ma̤31 |
24. |
5. ŋɛ̤24ma̤31 |
25. |
6. cʰɔ33ma̤31 |
26. |
7. noe33ma̤31 |
27. |
8. tsʰɔ33ma̤31 |
28. |
9. kʰʷei33ma̤31 |
29. |
10. ta33tsʰɯ33 |
30. θəɯ33tsʰɯ33 |
11. ta33tsʰɯ33 ta33ma̤31 |
40. lo̤e̤24tsʰɯ33 |
12. ta33tsʰɯ33 nəɯ55ma̤31 |
50. ŋɛ̤24tsʰɯ33 |
13. ta33tsʰɯ33 θəɯ33ma̤31 |
60. cʰɔ33tsʰɯ33 |
14. ta33tsʰɯ33 lo̤e̤24ma̤31 |
70. noe33tsʰɯ33 |
15. ta33tsʰɯ33 ŋɛ̤24ma̤31 |
80. tsʰɔ33tsʰɯ33 |
16. ta33tsʰɯ33 cʰɔ33ma̤31 |
90. kʰʷei33tsʰɯ33 |
17. ta33tsʰɯ33 noe33ma̤31 |
100. la33 re̤i̤33, 101. ta33 re̤i̤33ta33ma̤31 |
18. ta33tsʰɯ33 tsʰɔ33ma̤31 |
200. nəɯ55re̤i̤33, 300. θəɯ33re̤i̤33 |
19. ta33tsʰɯ33 kʰʷei33ma̤31 |
1000. ta33tʰon55 |
20. nəɯ55tsʰɯ33 |
2000. |
providing data and dateː
Dr. Ken Manson,
Source: Shintani, Tadahiko. 2015. The Kadaw language (Linguistic Survey of Tay Cultural Area 106). Tokyo: The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa. ISBN 978-4-86337-174-3) 提供资料的语言学家: Dr. Ken Manson, 2019 年 4 月 11 日. |
Other comments: Kadaw Karen has a decimal numeral system. Shintani does not give a location/village name. But from my analysis Kadaw is a village dialect of Gekho [ghk]Kadaw is spoken in Kayah State, and has nasalized vowels but no final nasal consonants.[13] It has more Burmese than Shan influence from wikipedia. Geko Karen is spoken by approximately 17,000 speakers in Kayin state and Shan state, Myanmar. |
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