Language name and location: Eastern Pwo Karen, Myanmar [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区东部勃克伦语, 缅甸东南部内陆卡伦邦和泰国境内


1. lə⁵¹

21.  nĩ⁵cʰi³ lə⁵¹

2. nĩ⁵¹

22.  nĩ⁵cʰi³ nĩ⁵¹

3. θɛ̃⁵¹

23.  nĩ⁵cʰi³ θɛ̃⁵¹

4. li²⁴

24.  nĩ⁵cʰi³ li²⁴

5. jɛ¹

25.  nĩ⁵cʰi³ jɛ¹

6. xũ⁵¹

26.  nĩ⁵cʰi³ xũ⁵¹

7. nwi⁵¹

27.  nĩ⁵cʰi³ nwe⁵¹

8. xo³

28.  nĩ⁵cʰi³ xo³

9. kʰwi²⁴

29.  nĩ⁵cʰi³ kʰwi²⁴

10. cʰi⁵¹

30.  θɛ̃⁵ cʰi⁵¹

11. cʰi⁵ lə⁵¹

40.  li³ cʰi⁵¹

12. cʰi⁵ nĩ⁵¹

50.  jɛ¹ cʰi⁵¹

13. cʰi⁵ θɛ̃⁵¹

60.  xũ⁵ cʰi⁵¹

14. cʰi⁵ li²⁴

70.  nwe⁵ cʰi⁵¹

15. cʰi⁵ jɛ¹

80.  xo³ cʰi⁵¹

16. cʰi⁵ xũ⁵¹

90.  kʰwi²⁴ cʰi⁵¹

17. cʰi⁵ nwe⁵¹

100. lə⁵ ja¹

18. cʰi⁵ xo³

200. nĩ⁵ ja¹

19. cʰi⁵ kʰwi²⁴

1000. lə³ tʰɔ̃⁵¹

20. nĩ⁵cʰi⁵¹

2000. nĩ⁵ tʰɔ̃⁵¹


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Emily Gasser, Department of linguistics, Yale University, USA. May 17, 2011.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Emily Gasser, 2011 年 5 月 17 日


Other comments: Eastern Pwo Karen or Moulmein Pwo Karen has a decimal system. Eastern Pwo Karen is spoken by approximately 1,000,000 speakers in Kayin state and Tanintharyi region: a large area near the Thailand border, as well as Thailand.

Language name and location: Eastern Pwo Karen, Myanmar [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区东部勃克伦语, 缅甸东南部内陆卡伦邦和泰国境内


1. lə̂N

21.  nītɕʰîlə̂N

2. nî

22.  nītɕʰînî

3. θə̂ɴ

23.  nītɕʰîθə̂ɴ

4. lī

24.  nītɕʰîlī

5. jɛ̄

25.  nītɕʰîjɛ̄

6. xɯ̂

26.  nītɕʰîxɯ̂

7. nwê

27.  nītɕʰînwê

8. xó

28.  nītɕʰîxó

9. kʰwī

29.  nītɕʰîkʰwī

10. lətɕʰî

30.  θə̂ɴtɕʰî

11. (lə)tɕʰîlə̂N

40.  lītɕʰî

12. (lə)tɕʰînî

50.  jɛ̄tɕʰî

13. (lə)tɕʰîθə̂ɴ

60.  xɯ̂tɕʰî

14. (lə)tɕʰîlī

70.  nwêtɕʰî

15. (lə)tɕʰîjɛ̄

80.  xótɕʰî

16. (lə)tɕʰîxɯ̂

90.  kʰwītɕʰî

17. (lə)tɕʰînwê

100. ləjà

18. (lə)tɕʰîxó

200. nîjà

19. (lə)tɕʰîkʰwī

1000. ləthɔ̂N

20. nītɕʰî

2000. nîthôN


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Atsuhiko Kato, Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Osaka, Japan, January 20, 2006.

供资料的语言学家: 加藤昌彦博士 (日本大阪外国语大学), 2006 年 1 月20 日.


Other comments: Eastern Pwo Karen 哦人Moulmein Pwo Karen has a decimal systems. The data was based on Hpa-an dialect. Eastern Pwo Karen has three tones: v́ [44], v̄ [22] and v̀ [11], v is atonic. Eastern Pwo Karen is spoken in Kayin state and Tanintharyi region: a large area near the Thailand border. 


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