Language name and locationː Kamayurá, Mato Grosso, Brazil [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 卡马尤拉语, 巴西西部马托格罗索州亚马逊森林南境兴谷原住民部落公园


1. mojepete ( lit: also 'once', 'alone')

2. mokõj (lit: 'also 'twins')

3. moʔa'pyt *

4. mojoʔrũ

5. jenepomomap ( jene = 1ᵃ, Inclu.ː -po = hand, finger; -momap = finish Trans)

6. jene poa weroʔyahap mojepete (litː w-3ᵃ.p.; eroʔyahap = pass)

7. jene poa weroʔyahap mokõj

8. jene poa weroʔyahap moʔapyt

9. jene poa weroʔyahap mojoʔrũ

10. jenepomomap *

11. mojepete jene pyaɪ weroʔyahap (pyaï = foot finger)  ï = IPA [ɪ] or [ə]

12. mokõj jene pyaɪ weroʔyahap

13. moʔapyt jene pyaɪ weroʔyahap

14. mojoʔrũ jene pyaɪ weroʔyahap

15. mojepete jene pyaɪ opap (-py = foot; o-=3ᵃ.p.; -pap -finish / intrans)

16. jene pya weroʔyahap mojepe'te

17. jene pya weroʔyahap mokõj

18. jene pya weroʔyahap moʔapyt

19. jene pya weroʔyahap mojoʔrũ

20. jene pya omomap mokõj  


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Lucy Seki, (Unicamp) Universidade Estadual

de Campinas / University of Campinas, São, Brazil. June 12, 2011.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. Lucy Seki,  2011 年 6 月 12 日.


Other comments: Kamayurá or Kamaiurá, Kamayirá is spoken by approximately 530 speakers in Mato Grosso state: Xingú park, Brazil. Kamayurá has a counting system using hands and feet up to 20 with four basic numerals. The words for 5 and 10 are the sameː 'finished our hand'. Note that the traditional phonetic symbolsː

<j> and <w > are semi-vowels; <y> = IPA [ɪ] high central unrounded vowel;

< ï > = IPA [ɯ], high back unrounded.

Language name and locationː Kamayurá, Mato Grosso, Brazil [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 卡马尤拉语, 巴西西部马托格罗索州亚马逊森林南境兴谷原住民部落公园


1. mojepe'te

2. mo'kõj

3. moʔa'pɨt


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Wolf Dietrich, University of Munich, Germany, September 3, 1990, November 11, 2008.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. Wolf Dietrich, 1990 年 9 月 3 日, 2008 年 11 月 11 日.


Other comments: Kamayurá might have three recorded words for numerals.

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