Language name and locationː Kala, Morobe, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区拉语 (克拉 Kela), 巴布亚新几内亚莫罗贝省胡翁湾南岸


1. ˈnuã; tumeme

21. ˈtambu ˈnuã ma ˈaŋa ˈnuã

2. ˈɾua

22. ˈtambu ˈnuã ma ˈaŋa ˈɾua

3. taˈɾawa 

23. ˈtambu ˈnuã ma ˈaŋa taˈɾawa

4. ŋa

24. ˈtambu ˈnuã ma ˈaŋa ŋa

5. ˈɾita

25. ˈtambu ˈnuã ma ˈaŋa ˈɾita

6. ˈɾita ma ˈaŋa ˈnuã

26. ˈtambu ˈnuã ma ˈaŋa ˈɾita ma ˈaŋa ˈnuã

7. 'ɾita ma 'aŋa 'ɾua

27. ˈtambu ˈnuã ma ˈaŋa ˈɾita ma ˈaŋa ˈɾua

8. ˈɾita ma ˈaŋa taˈɾawa

28. ˈtambu ˈnuã ma ˈaŋa ˈɾita ma ˈaŋa taˈɾawa

9. ˈɾita ma ˈaŋa ŋa

29. ˈtambu ˈnuã ma ˈaŋa ˈɾitaa ma ˈaŋa ŋa

10. ˈtaume

30. ˈtambu ˈnuã ma ˈaŋa ˈtaume

11. ˈtaume ma ˈaŋa ˈnuã

40. ˈtambu ˈɾua

12. ˈtaume ma ˈaŋa ˈɾua

50. ˈtambu ˈɾua ma ˈaŋa ˈtaume

13. ˈtaume ma ˈaŋa taˈɾawa

60. ˈtambu taˈɾawa

14. ˈtaume ma ˈaŋa ŋa

70. ˈtambu taˈɾawa ma ˈaŋa ˈtaume

15. ˈtaume ma ˈaŋa ˈɾita

80. ˈtambu ŋa

16. ˈtaume ma ˈaŋa ˈɾita ma aŋa ˈnuã

90.  ˈtambu ŋa ma ˈaŋa ˈtaume

17. ˈtaume ma ˈaŋa ˈɾita ma aŋa ˈɾua

100. ˈtambu ˈɾita

18. ˈtaume ma ˈaŋa ˈɾita ma aŋa taˈɾawa

200. tambu ˈtaume    

19. ˈtaume ma ˈaŋa ˈɾita ma aŋa ŋa

1000use Tok Pisin

20. ˈtambu ˈnuã

2000.  use Tok Pisin 


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Margaret Ransdell-Green, Department of Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA, July 6, 2019.
供资料的语言 学家Dr. Margaret Ransdell-Green, 2019 年 7 月 6 日


Other comments: Kala or Kela has a quinary /vigesimal of counting system. Thousands
were not used in Kala and that they used Tok Pisin for these instead. Some of the other numerals are also often said in Tok Pisin, such as 13-19. 100 does exist according to my consultant, but is often replaced by the Tok Pisin. The above data was taken from
the Southern dialect of Kala (spoken in the southern three villages, Kamiali (aka Lababia), Alẽso (aka Buso), and Kui).

Kala Phonemic Inventory:
Kala has a phonemic inventory of 23 consonants in four places of articulation (labial,
alveolar, palatal, and velar, plus labialization on some labial and velar stops and
consonants) and five vowel qualities. Nasalization is phonemically distinguished for
vowels, bringing the total of vowel phonemes to 10. The only fricative is /s/ and there is only one liquid, /ɾ/.







  p b, pʷ bʷ, ᵐb ᵐbʷ

     t, d, ⁿd


 k g, kʷ gʷ, ⁿg ⁿgʷ







        m, mʷ










Oral Vowels: i, e, a, u, o; Nasalized Vowels: ĩ, ẽ, ã, ũ, õ


Kala is spoken by about 2,200 people in several villages along the south coast of the Huon Gulf between Salamaua Peninsula and the Paiawa River, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.

Language name and locationː Kala, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区拉语 (克拉 Kela), 巴布亚新几内亚莫罗贝省胡翁湾南岸


1. tunome / taumuna

2. lua / rua

3. tarawa

4. nɡa / ŋai

5. lita  (< lima ta ? =hand one ?)

6. lita manɡo nua  (litː '' 5+1'')

7. lita manɡo lua  (litː '' 5+2'') 

8. lita manɡo tarawa  (litː '' 5+3'') 

9. lita manɡo nɡa   (litː '' 5+4'') 

10. taomo / taumen


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Geoffrey P. Smith, The University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, December 12, 1988.
提供资的语言家: Dr. Geoffrey P. Smith, 1988 年 12 月 12 日.


Other comments: Kela or Kala has 5, 20 counting system with hands. New data needed to compare with the old one. 


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