Language name and locationː Kaiwa, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区:卡伊瓦语, 巴西西部南马托格罗索州阿帕河, 多拉杜斯河和伊维涅马河流域热带雨林  


1. peteĩ

2. mokõi

3. mboapy

4. irundy

5. heta (lit: 'many, lots')


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Loraine Bridgeman, SIL International, Brazil, October 24, 2008.

提供资的语言家: Dr. Loraine Bridgeman, 2008 年 10 月 24 日


Other comments: Kaiwá or Guarani-kaiowá, Paï-Tavyterã is spoken by 18,000 spoken in Mato Grosso do Sul state: Apa, Dourados, and Ivinhema rivers north to Mbarakaju mountains and Jejui river tributaries south, Brazil. The Kaiwá, in general, still use only four words for numerals and a word 'heta' means 'many, lots'. In situations with Brazilians, where they have to pay in cash, they use Portuguese numerals, but when they get home and say the price, it is 'heta' (a lot). People vary, of course, because there are university graduates among the Kaiwá as well as people who still do not read or write. The University grads are usually very jealous for their language and argue with those who claim that it is just another form of Guarani. Note on the orthographic spellings and translations: In this material the 'e' is open as in the word pen in English. The 'y' is a mid, central, unrounded vowel. When a word has a nasalized vowel, all preceding vowels in the word are nasal until there is a non-nasal consonant. thus, the 1st e in peteĩ is oral, but all vowels in 'mokõi' are nasal. The 'u' in 'irundy' is nasal because of the nasal consonant 'nd', 'mb' and 'nd' are pre-nasalized consonants. I have written these in the present orthography.  

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