Language name and locationː Kairiru, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区凯里鲁语, 巴布亚新几内亚东锡皮克省瓦克镇和附近两个小岛


1. tai

21.  qolem wuru tai

2. wuru

22.  qolem wuru wuru

3. tuol

23.  qolem wuru tuol

4. vyat 

24.  qolem wuru vyat

5. vilr̃i or lim (litː 'hand')

25.  qolem wuru lim

6. lim-tai     ( 5 + 1 )

26.  qolem wuru lim-tai

7. lim-wuru ( 5 + 2 )

27.  qolem wuru lim-wuru

8. lim-tuol   ( 5 + 3 )

28.  qolem wuru lim-tuol

9. lim-vyat   ( 5 + 4 )

29.  qolem wuru lim-vyat

10. qolem tai

30.  qolem tuol

11. qolem tai tai

40.  qolem vyat

12. qolem tai wuru

50.  valuny (lit: 'a half ')

13. qolem tai tuol

60.  qolem lim-tai

14. qolem tai vyat

70.  qolem lim-wuru

15. qolem tai lim

80.  qolem lim-tuol

16. qolem tai lim-tai

90.  qolem lim-vyat

17. qolem tai lim-wuru

100. wurol tai

18. qolem tai lim-tuol

101. wurol tai tai

19. qolem tai lim-vyat

110. wurol tai qolem tai

20. qolem wuru

116. wurol tai qolem tai lim-tai


Sourceː Richard Wilvell, MA Thesis, 1981, A Grammar of Kairiru.

A thesis presented to the University of Auckland in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Linguistics, University of Auckland


Other comments: Kairiru has a quinary counting system. The word wurol '100' was the highest integer recorded and valuny was seen by the informant as being 'half of wurol.
Kairiru is one of three Kairiru languages spoken by 3,200 speakers mainly on Kairiru and Mushu islands and in several coastal villages on the mainland between Cape Karawop and Cape Samein near Wewak in East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea.


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