Language name and locationː Kaingáng, Paraná State, Brazil [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区卡因冈语, 巴西南部巴拉那州和圣卡塔琳娜州原住民保留区


1. pir [litː 'one' or 'a few']   

2. ́ɡ're

3. tentu

4. vënhkëɡra
5. peɡ'kar


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Ursula Wiesenmann, SIL International, Brazil, October 25, 2008.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Ursula Wiesenmann, 2008 年 10 月 25 日.


Other comments: Kaingáng or Caingang is spoken by 18,000 speakers out of 39,000 ethnic population in Paraná State: 9 reservations between Paranapena and Iguaçu rivers; Rio Grande do Sul state: 5 reservations of southeast dialect south of Uruguay river east of Passo Fundo river; southwest dialect on 7 reservations; east of Passo Fundo river; outskirts of cities in Rio Grande do Sul; Santa Catarina state: 8 reservations between Iguaçu and Uruguay rivers; São Paulo state: 3 reservations north of Paranapena river; Scattered. The Kaingáng people only have traditional numeral from 1 to up to 5, but now they use Portuguese numerals from 3 upwards.

Note the phonetic transcriptionsː

1. (ã) = nasalized vowels, 2. (á) = stress mark not tone mark,

3. (y) = IPA [ ɨ ] 'unrounded central vowel

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