Language name and locationː Ruyuan Mien, Guangdong, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
语言名称和分布地区: 乳源勉语, 广东北部乳源县


1. iet2

21.  ɲiʔ2 tsiep31 iet2

2. i33

22.  ɲiʔ2 tsiep31 ɲiʔ2

3. pu33

23.  ɲiʔ2 tsiep31 fam33

4. piei33

24.  ɲiʔ2 tsiep31 fei21

5. pja33

25.  ɲiʔ2 tsiep31 35

6. cuʔ5

26.  ɲiʔ2 tsiep31 luʔ31

7. siʔ2

27.  ɲiʔ2 tsiep31 siʔ2

8. hiet31

28.  ɲiʔ2 tsiep31 pəʔ5

9. du31

29.  ɲiʔ2 tsiep31 cu53

10. tsiep31  

30.  fam33 tsiep31

11. tsiep31 iet  < Chinese

40.  fei21 tsiep31

12. tsiep31 ɲiʔ2

50.  35 tsiep31

13. tsiep31 fam33

60.  luʔ31 tsiep31

14. tsiep31 fei21

70.  siʔ2 tsiep31

15. tsiep31 35

80.  pəʔ5 tsiep31

16. tsiep31 luʔ31

90.  cu53 tsiep31

17. tsiep31 siʔ2

100.  iet2  pæʔ5   < Chinese

18  tsiep31 pəʔ5

200.  i33 pæʔ5, 500. 35 pæʔ5

19. tsiep31 cu53

1000. iet2 tsʰin33 < Chinese

20. ɲiʔ2 tsiep31

2000. i33 tsʰin33, 4000. fei21 tsʰin33


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Liu Hongyong, Ph.D. in Linguistics, School of Foreign Studies, South China Normal University, Guangdong, China. December 3, 2012.
提供资的语言学家: 刘鸿勇博士(华南师范大学外文学院 ), 2012 年 12 月 3 日


Other comments: Ruyuan Mien or Iu Mien has a decimal system. There are two sets of cardinal numerals in Ruyuan Mien: the first set has etymological affiliation with other Miao-Yao languages, the second set is borrowed from Chinese varieties.
To express the number 'twenty', they only use
ɲiʔ2, not i33, although there are two forms of the number 'two': ɲiʔ2, not i33, so, twenty-three is ɲiʔ2 tsiep31 fam33
The first set of cardinal numerals are used to count within the numbers from 1 to 10,
for higher numerals, it should use the second set.
105 is expressed by 'iet2
pæʔ5 ləŋ3135 ', ləŋ31 = zero

Language name and locationː Iu Mien,  Guangxi, China, Thailand [Refer to Ethnologue]
语言名称和分布地区: 语, 广西龙胜县江底乡大坪江屯, 泰国, 老挝及越南北部


1. jet12

21.  ȵi13 tsjop12 jet12

2. i33

22.  ȵi13 tsjop12 ȵei13

3. pwo33

23.  ȵi13 tsjop12 faːm33

4. pjei33

24.  ȵi13 tsjop12 fei24

5. pia33

25.  ȵi13 tsjop12 ŋ̥ŋ231

6. tɕu55

26.  ȵi13 tsjop12 lwo12

7. sje13

27.  ȵi13 tsjop12 tsʰet55

8. ɕet12

28.  ȵi13 tsjop12 pet55

9. dwo31

29.  ȵi13 tsjop12 tɕwo52

10. tsjop12  < Chinese

30.  fa31 tsjop12 < Chinese

11. tsjop12 jet12 < Chinese

40.  fei24 tsjop12 < Chinese

12. tsjop12 ȵei13 < Chinese

50.  ŋ̥ŋ231 tsjop12 < Chinese

13. tsjop12 faːm33 < Chinese

60.  lwo12 tsjop12 < Chinese

14. tsjop12 fei24 < Chinese

70.  tsʰet55 tsjop12 < Chinese

15. tsjop12 ŋ̥ŋ231 < Chinese

80.  pet55 tsjop12 < Chinese

16. tsjop12 lwo12 < Chinese

90.  tɕwo52 tsjop12 < Chinese

17. tsjop12 tsʰet55 < Chinese

100.  jet12 55   < Chinese

18. tsjop12 pet55 < Chinese

200. ȵi1355 < Chinese

19. tsjop12 tɕwo52 < Chinese

1000. jet12 tsʰin33 < Chinese

20. ȵi13 tsjop12 < Chinese

2000. ȵi13 tsʰin33 < Chinese


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Mao Zongwu, Centre of Minority Languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. April 5, 1993
提供资的语言学家: 毛宗武教授(中国社科院民族研究所 ), 1993 年 4 月 5 日.


Other comments: Iu Min has a decimal system. Iu Min only retained traditional numerals from one to nine, after nine they use numerals from Chinese variety (Yue or Pinghua) with phonetically modifications. Iu Min is spoken by approximately 800,000 speakers in Ruyuan county, Guangdong province, Dayao mountains, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Libo, and Rongjiang counties, Guizhou province,  Hunan, Jiangxi, and Yunnan provinces, China, as well as Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.

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