Language name and locationː Iraqw, Manyara region, Tanzania [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区伊拉库语, 坦桑尼亚东北部曼亚拉区及中部多多马区


1. wák

21.  mibeeri tsár nee wak

2. tsár

22.  mibeeri tsár nee tsár

3. tám

23.  mibeeri tsár nee tám

4. tsíyáħ

24.  mibeeri tsár nee tsíyáħ

5. kooán

25.  mibeeri tsár nee kooán

6. laħoóʔ

26.  mibeeri tsár nee laħoóʔ

7. faaɴw

27.  mibeeri tsár nee faaɴw

8. dakaát

28.  mibeeri tsár nee dakaát

9. ɡwaleél

29.  mibeeri tsár nee ɡwaleél

10. mibaaɴw

30.  mibeeri tám

11. mibaá nee wák

40.  mibeeri tsíyáħ

12. mibaá nee tsár

50.  mibeeri kooán

13. mibaá nee tám

60.  mibeeri laħoóʔ

14. mibaá nee tsíyáħ

70.  mibeeri faaɴw

15. mibaá nee kooán

80.  mibeeri dakaát

16. mibaá nee laħoóʔ

90.  mibeeri ɡwaleél

17. mibaá nee faaɴw

100. tsiiru  / tsiruú wák

18. mibaá nee dakaát

200. tsiire tsár

19. mibaá nee ɡwaleél

1000. kumu / kumuú wák

20. mibeeri tsár

2000. kumér tsár


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Mauro Tosco, University of Cologne, Germany, December 11, 1994.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Mauro Tosco, 1994 年 12 月 11 日.


Other comments: Iraqw has a decimal system. Iraqw is a Cushitic language spoken by approximately 600,000 speakers in the Arusha, Dodoma and Manyara Regions in the northeast of Tanzania. It is expanding in numbers as the Iraqw people absorb neighboring ethnic groups. The language has many Datooga loanwords, especially in poetic language. The Gorowa language to the south shares numerous similarities and is sometimes considered a dialect.


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