Language name and locationː Iamalele, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区雅马莱莱语, 巴布亚新几内亚米尔内湾省弗格森岛


1. ʔaitamoɡana

2. ʔailuɡa

3. ʔaitonu

4. maʔana ʔau maʔana ʔau (litː 'with its partner, with its partner')

5. nima vaiʔai  (lit: 'hand on one side' ) 

6. viʔineɡi damana  (litː 'from one side it goes across')

7. i damana ʔailuɡa i ʔewadi (litː 'goes across, take two')

8. i damana ʔaitonu i ʔewadi (litː 'goes across, take three')

9. i damana maʔana ʔau maʔana ʔau i ʔewadi (litː 'goes across, take four')

10. a bai ʔa ʔavai (litː 'I break my fist completely')


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. John Beaumont, SIL International, Papua New Guinea, July 7, 1988, January 15, 2009.
的语言家: Mr. John Beaumont, 1988 年 7 月 7 日, 2009 年 1 月 15 日.


Other comments: Iamalele has only three recorded numerals. Nowadays, people use English numbers after five or even three. Iamalele or Yamalele is spoken by about 2,800 speakers on Fergusson Island in Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea.


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