Language name and locationː Huilliche, Los Lagos region, Chile [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区维利切语, 智利由北至南的洛斯拉戈斯(湖)大区和河流大区


1. kiñe  /kiɲe/

21.  epu mas̥i kiñe

2. epu /epu/

22.  epu mas̥i epu

3. küla /kɨla/

23.  epu mas̥i küla

4. meli /meli/

24.  epu mas̥i meli

5. kechu /keču or ket͡ʃu /

25.  epu mas̥i kechu

6. kayu /kaju /

26.  epu mas̥i kayu

7. s̥eɡle /ʃeɰle * 

27.  epu mas̥i s̥eɡle

8. pus̥a /puʃa/ *

28.  epu mas̥i pus̥a

9. aylla /ajʎa/

29.  epu mas̥i aylla

10. mas̥i /maʃi / *

30.  küla mas̥i

11. mas̥i /maɻi kiɲe/

40.  meli mas̥i 

12. mas̥i epu

50.  kechu mari

13. mas̥i küla

60.  kayu mas̥i 

14. mas̥i meli

70.  s̥eɡle mas̥i 

15. mas̥i kechu

80.  pus̥a mas̥i

16. mas̥i kayu

90.  aylla mas̥i

17. mas̥i s̥eɡle

100. pataka ( < Quechua )

18. mas̥i pus̥a

200. epu pataka

19. mas̥i aylla

1000. was̥angka /waʃaŋka /

20. epu mas̥i / epu maɻi ]

2000. epu was̥annka


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Constantino Contreras O., University of La Frontera, Temuco, Chile, July 16, 1995.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Constantino Contreras O., 1995 年 7 月 16 日.


Other comments: Huilliche or Veliche is a nearly extinct language with a few elderly speakers out of 2,000 ethnic population in Los Lagos and Los Ríos regions: Valdivia to Chiloé south of Mapuche, Chile. Hulliche has a decimal system similar to that of Mapudungan, except for numbers 7, 8 and 10. Huilliche is is closely related to Huilliche, and sometime regarded as a dialect of Mapudungan, but they are barely understandable to each other. Most Huilliche speakers are older adults because the language is in decline; most ethnic Huilliche people currently speak Spanish as their first language. Notes that the symbol / s̥ / as in numbers 7, 8, 10 and 1000 is prepalatal or palatal sound=IPA / ʃ /

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