Language name and locationː Guayabero, Colombia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区瓜雅贝罗语, 哥伦比亚


1. káe-yax  ( litː ''one thing'' )  /    káe-n ( litː ''one animate thing'' )

2. kolói-yax ~ kolé-yax  ( litː ''two things'' ) / kol-én-je ( litː ''two animate thing-PL'' )

3. pamóp-ax ( litː ''three things'' ) / pamóp-an-je ( litː ''three animate thing-PL'' )

4. pamchál-ax  ( litː ''four things'' ) / panchál-an-je ( litː ''four animate thing-PL'' )


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Victor Kondo, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Colombia, July 25, 1994.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Victor Kondo, 1994 年 7 月 25 日.


Other comments: The Guayabero numbers system is illustrated above. The current generation, when using traditional numbers, uses them only up to four. For all other

numbers the community uses the Spanish system. The Guayabero numbers above are neutral forms which may occur in isolation. Note that the root occurs prefixed to one of two morphemes, viz, -ax (or allomorph -yax) indicating inanimate things, or -én (or allomorphs -n, or -an) indicating animate beings respectively. ''Animate beings'' include any insects, animals or humans.

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