Language name and locationː Gedeo, Oromia Region, Ethiopia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区格德语, 埃塞俄比亚西南方州南奥罗米亚地区


1. mitte

21.  diddamana-mitte

2. lame

22.  diddamana-lame

3. sase

23.  diddamana-sase

4. šoole

24.  diddamana-šoole

5. onde

25.  diddamana-onde

6. ǰaane

26.  diddamana-ǰaane

7. torbaane

27.  diddamana-torbaane

8. saddeeta

28.  diddamana-saddeeta

9. sallane

29.  diddamana-sallane

10. tomme

30.  soddama

11. tomminaa-mitte

40.  afurtama ( probably an Oromo loan)

12. tomminaa-lame

50.  šantama

13. tomminaa-sase

60.  ǰaatama / iyatama / ǰiyatama

14. tomminaa-šoole

70.  torbaatama

15. tomminaa-onde

80.  sadde(n)tama

16. tomminaa-ǰaane

90.  saɡaltama

17. tomminaa-torbaane

100. ɗibba

18. tomminaa-saddeeta

200. lame ɗibba

19. tomminaa-sallane

1000. kuma

20. diddama

2000. lame kuma


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Grover Hudson, Michigan State University, Michigan, U.S.A., May 15, 1993. Additional data provided byː Ayele Lole, South Ethiopia Synod, Awasa, Ethiopia. 10 January, 1996.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. Grover Hudson, 1993 年 5 月 15 日.


Other comments: Gedeo is a Highland East Cushitic language of the Afro-Asiatic family spoken in south central Ethiopia. It is spoken by approximately 980,000 Gedeo people, who live in the highland area, southwest of Dila and east of Lake Abaya. Gedeo has a decimal system. The number 40 probably borrowed from Oromo language. The symbol 'š' is a voiceless alveo-palatal fricative, the 'ǰ' is a voiceless alveo-palatal affricative.


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