Language name and locationː Gedaged, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区格达格德语, 巴布亚新几内亚马当省北部海边几个村


1. taimon

2. al̥u

3. tol

4. pal

5. niman ta (< nima < lima 'hand one')

10. niman al̥u  ( lit: 'hands two' ) 


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Malcolm Ross, Department of Linguistics,
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. February 4, 2021.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Malcolm Ross, 2021 年 2 月 4 .


Other comments: Gedaged has a traditional quinary counting system based on hands and body parts. Note: (in 2 and 10, the middle letter of /al̥u/ is <l> with a circle beneath it, indicating a voiceless lateral). Nowadays the Gedaged people use English numerals after five.

Gedaged is an Austronesian language spoken by about 7000 people in coastal villages and on islands in Astrolabe Bay, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.

Language name and locationː Gedaged, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区格达格德语, 巴布亚新几内亚马当省北部海边几个村


1. taimon

2. azu

3. tol

4. pal

5. niman ta (< nima < lima 'hand one') 

6. niman aenta tikun ta    ( 5 + 1 )

7. niman aenta tikun azu  ( 5 + 2 )

8. niman aenta tikun tol   ( 5 + 3 )

9. niman aenta tikun pal  ( 5 + 4 )

10. niman azu  ( lit: 'hands two' ) 

11. nien kokun ta

12. nien kokun azu

13. nien kokun tol

14. nien kokun pal

15. nien azu nien ta  (lit: 'hands two and one hand')

16. nien aenta kokun ta

17. nien aenta kokun azu

18. nien aenta kokun tol

19. nien aenta kokun pal

20. fun dayun *


Linguist providing data and dateː SIL-Papua New Guinea, 1989.

供资料的语言学家: SIL-Papua New Guinea, 1989 年.


Other comments: Gedaged has a traditional quinary counting system based on hands and body parts, the etymology for the word for twenty is unknown. Nowadays the Gedaged people use English numerals after five.


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