Language name and locationː Gayil, South Omo Zone, Ethiopia [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. wóliqi |
21. boːnidéke wóliqi |
2. qastién |
22. boːnidéke qastːén |
3. makːén |
23. boːnidéke makːén |
4. ʔoydːí |
24. boːnidéke ʔoydːí |
5. dónqi |
25. boːnidéke dónqi |
6. láː |
26. boːnidéke láː |
7. tabizá |
27. boːnidéke tabizá |
8. sákila |
28. boːnidéke sákila |
9. lámakay |
29. boːnidéke lámakay |
10. támːá |
30. boːnidéke támːá |
11. támːéke wóliqi |
40. qastién boːnidá ( 20 x 2 ) |
12. támːéke qastién |
50. qastién boːnidá támːá |
13. támːéke makːén |
60. makːén boːnidá ( 20 x 3 ) |
14. támːéke ʔoydːí |
70. makːén boːnida támːá |
15. támːéke dónqi |
80. ʔoydːí boːnidá ( 20 x 4 ) |
16. támːéke láː |
90. ʔoydːí boːnida támːá |
17. támːéke tabizá |
100. wóliqi tseta, 200. qastién tsesta |
18. támːéke sákila |
400. ʔoydːí tseta, 800. sákila tsesta |
19. támːéke lámakay |
1000. wólːáq
sá'aː, sá'aː < |
20. boːnidá (litː ‘one full person’) |
2000. qastːén sá'aː |
Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Simon Zekewos,
The Word for the World Initiative
Ethiopia (TWFTW) |
Other comments: Gayil has a numeral system
based on twenty similar to that of the Aari language. Numbers for
hundred and thousand are borrowed from
Gayil (also called Northern Ari) is an Omotic language of Ethiopia. According to the 2007 census, 55,700 people speak Gayil as a mother tongue. |
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